
Monday, February 22, 2010

World Bank invites Sichilima to African Diaspora Open House

World Bank invites Sichilima to African Diaspora Open House
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Mon 22 Feb. 2010, 03:59 CAT

AN advocate of Zambia and Diaspora engagement Chasaya Sichilima has been invited to the World Bank’s second African Diaspora Open House. The event scheduled to take place in Washington DC on February 25 is targeted to share progress on the African Diaspora Program (ADP).

The ADP is a World Bank initiative to implement a number of specific activities which would affect directly and positively the African Diaspora and their activities in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The initiative was launched in November 2007.

According to a statement, Chasaya and other participants would join Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, World Bank managing director, and Obiageli Ezekwesili, World Bank vice president for the Africa Region.

It stated that the second African Diaspora Open House was an opportunity to share information on progress made to date with the ADP, as well as to reflect on and seek advice on areas where progress has been less than anticipated.

“The bank will also seek ideas and inputs on specific elements of the ADP. Consultation will cover: Diaspora Engagement Policy i.e what African governments can do to encourage and facilitate Diaspora participation in development activities; Remittances, especially how these can be leveraged for development; Brain Gain, specifically how African Diaspora Professional Networks and organizations can contribute to brain gain in home countries using ICT and other virtual platforms; and Hometown Associations and the mainstreaming of their contributions to the development priorities of African governments,” read the statement in part.

It stated that ideas would also be sought on broader African development challenges and opportunities.

According to the statement, discussion would be initiated on issues of governance and capacity development; private sector development; youth and employment, women’s empowerment, information and communications technology; and the delivery of services such as health, education, and social protection.

Chasaya is president of the Zambian Canadian Foundation.

He is also the business and government liaison officer of Zambia Diaspora Connect, an organization whose objective is to make the Zambian diaspora engage more meaningfully in the country’s development.

Commenting on the invitation, Chasaya said, “It is humbling but great that Zambia will have presence at such a forum. There is emerging cohesiveness in the Zambian Diaspora about participation at home.

The Open House will afford an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, and for a country like Zambia which is just beginning to embrace its diaspora, there will be lessons to be learnt on how we can move the process further and contribute to the nation’s development agenda.

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