Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mufumbwe DC lauds CEEC initiative to promote development

Mufumbwe DC lauds CEEC initiative to promote development
By David Chongo in Solwezi
Sun 28 Feb. 2010, 03:20 CAT

MUFUMBWE District Commissioner Robert Muyutu has welcomed the initiative by the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) to promote the development of service stations in rural areas by providing funds for the establishment of a service station in the district.

He said the economy of Mufumbwe had been adversely affected by the lack of a permanent filling station leading to many consumers obtaining the fuel commodities from the black market some of whom he said were supplying contaminated stock.

“It’s a welcome idea. It’s a good business arrangement and I think Mufumbwe is a good business place also. It will lessen carrying of fuel in bountiful containers. It will also stop the black market where we have been getting a lot of impurities,” he said.

Muyutu said Mufumbwe, like most districts in the province was relying on fuel supplies from Solwezi which had led to a proliferation of illegal dealers.

“They have to fetch fuel from Solwezi. It’s good setting up service station in Mufumbwe because we are adversely affected in Mufumbwe. We rely on illegal dealers of fuel. It comes in containers, which means it may even be contaminated. That’s not good for vehicles,” he said.

And YamBEEji Honey and Rice Products Limited chief executive officer, Chibbonta Chilala has commended the idea, saying the setting up of such stations would likely reduce the pump price of fuel in Zambezi and encourage mobility and raise the economic status of the district.

“I feel it’s a very good idea. This is so because currently fuel is very expensive from the black market. Petrol is K12,000 per litre. Most diesel engines have packed due to bad fuel (from illegal market),” said Chilala.

The CEEC has developed a project which is aiming to promote rural development through the promotion of investment in rural service stations in fuel deficit areas of Zambia by establishing mobile, new fixed stations or rehabilitation of existing dry service stations.

Mufumbwe is one of 17 fuel deficit areas that have been identified by the CEEC countrywide together with Mwinilunga, Kabompo and Zambezi, in North Western Province, which has the second highest number of such locations after Northern Province with five districts.

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