
Thursday, February 25, 2010

OMCs reject TAZAMA ‘contaminated’ diesel

OMCs reject TAZAMA ‘contaminated’ diesel
By Kabanda Chulu and Abigail Chaponda
Wed 24 Feb. 2010, 04:12 CAT

SOME oil marketing companies (OMCs) have returned several quantities of diesel to TAZAMA that was found to be contaminated with mud and water. And TAZAMA Pipelines Limited confirmed that a parcel of diesel loaded into OMCs’ trucks on Monday was found with excess water and sludge.

A check at the Ndola fuel terminal revealed that over 30 Total fuel tankers and about 130 foreign carriers were parked waiting to offload fuel. In an interview, Total Zambia managing director Alexis Vok said business operations had been affected.

“I cannot comment now unless I meet people on the ground and of course we are affected because we cannot supply clients and yesterday we returned huge quantities back to TAZAMA and we hope they will come with the right specifications and our clients are not affected since we did not deliver,” said Vok.

But sources at Kansanshi Mining confirmed that four trucks belonging to Total Zambia were turned back for having contaminated diesel.

Energy ministry permanent secretary Teddy Kasonso expressed ignorance over the matter and promised to get in touch with TAZAMA management.

“I don’t have that information and let me get in touch with TAZAMA since I am not aware about this incident,” said Kasonso.

Kobil Oil managing director Jerry Thomas confirmed the contamination of diesel but said the company was not affected.

“If we are affected I would have known about it but since TAZAMA received the consignment, they are the best people to comment,” said Thomas.

And TAZAMA stated that the OMCs had been returning the fuel back to the terminal.

TAZAMA stated that the returned fuel was being offloaded and tested and would be sent to Indeni refinery for reprocessing if necessary.

“As is the normal practice when this kind of problem arises, the Terminal is accepting the fuel back and immediately replacing it with good fuel. It is expected that around thirty truckloads will be involved in this exercise,” the statement read in part.

“Meanwhile this problem at the Terminal has nothing to do with the trucks currently parked at the Terminal which have brought from Dar-es-Salaam Gasoil imported by the government through Dalbit. The trucks are awaiting formalities before they can offload the imported gasoil.”

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