
Thursday, February 25, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T's mindless, red-meat politicking

MDC-T's mindless, red-meat politicking
By Petros Makiwa
Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:31:00 +0000

THE mindless, red-meat politicking that goes on day after day in Zimbabwe, has become the biggest threat to the inclusive Government than any outstanding issues.

The efforts by the MDC-T party and accompanying sympathetic media to paint everything in black and white terms is now commonplace politics. Zanu-PF is always in black, with never any shades of black or grey acknowledged on the part of the MDC-T.

That party's obstructionism and their lies are not all mindless though; in fact there's great method in their madness; and their method is to use virtually whatever means are necessary, however immoral or objectively bad for Zimbabwe, to advance their more important end of discrediting Zanu-PF as a means to gaining power.

The MDC-T party's denial of sanctions is well calculated. They want Zanu-PF party to fail and to fail badly so that they can gain power. But that game is no longer sustainable. There are many questions to be asked.

If the MDC-T did not call for sanctions, who then gave all the names of those Zanu-PF people, and the names of companies to the West?

From where does the West get a record of who died and who hasn't died on that list?

It is true that MDC-T controls some of the sanctions as British foreign secretary David Miliband said last month. In Davos, Switzerland recently Morgan Tsvangirai told Al Jazeera's David Frost that a staggered lifting of sanctions should be employed as a way to get Zanu-PF to concede to MDC-T demands, starting with companies. A few weeks later the EU partially lifted sanctions on parastatals.

No one disputes that Zanu-PF, good or bad, has been consistent in its anti-sanctions rhetoric. The same cannot be said about the MDC-T. After the 2000 parliamentary election, MDC MP David Coltart said, "The international community pleaded with us to hold off on the use of mass action, promising at the same time that if we backed off, they would do all they could to increase pressure on Mugabe."

Trudy Stevenson followed that statement with: "We have good contacts with the international community and Mugabe is going to have to negotiate with us".

So should Zanu-PF empathically understand why the MDC-T acts in such an apparently hateful, unpatriotic way and stop moralizing and castigating them?

Or should Zanu-PF play the same kind of arguably hateful game for the Greater Good and castigate the bad out of them, if that's what it takes?

Just thinking aloud.

*Petros Makiwa writes from Johannesburg. He can be contacted via: petrosmakiwa ***

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