Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Zambian politicians are behaving like children - Rev Malawo

Zambian politicians are behaving like children - Rev Malawo
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tue 23 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIA Council for Social Development (ZCSD) executive secretary Reverend Matyola Malawo has said Zambian politicians are behaving more like children.

In an interview yesterday, Rev Malawo said politicians should begin to give Zambians real developmental issues of how they would develop the country if elected next year, rather than behaving like children.

“The current politics happening now, those of us in the development profession, we feel like some of these political debates are done at the expense of development.

It's more like children who are playing. We want to see developmental issues, how we have developed the country's national development plan,” Rev Malawo said.

He said development should be the centre stage of politicians' debate rather than who had done what and name-calling.

Rev Malawo said Zambia should start graduating from the kind of debates that were based on personalities.

“There are a lot of problems we face as a nation and that is why if you analyse the FNDP (Fifth National Development Plan)… who among the politicians talks about it? How was it implemented? What are the challenges and how will these challenges will be addressed?” he said.

Rev Malawo said what Zambians wanted to hear was how the politicians would solve the country's problems.

“The country should spend more time talking about development and things affecting the people than name-calling, it's frustrating generally to us,” he said.

Rev Malawo said what Zambians wanted to see were alternatives.

“If, for example, the MMD is not performing well, we expect the PF or UPND to bring alternatives in a clear and open manner. Development is not a secret so everyone should know what is happening,” he said.

Rev Malawo said Zambians were fed up with the current debates surrounding politics. He urged politicians to concentrate on what alternatives their parties would offer Zambians as the country drew nearer to the 2011 general elections.



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