Monday, March 22, 2010

E/Province UNIP chair accuses MMD of using underhand methods in by-elections

E/Province UNIP chair accuses MMD of using underhand methods in by-elections
By Christopher Miti in Katete
Mon 22 Mar. 2010, 04:00 CAT

EASTERN Province UNIP chairperson Donald Sakala has charged that the MMD uses underhand methods to win by-elections. But Katete district MMD chairperson Alfred Kasasule Phiri said the MMD was determined to defend the Milanzi seat. In an interview last Friday, Sakala said Milanzi would remain a UNIP stronghold.

“Milanzi has been for UNIP ever since, and this much MMD knows. Our late member of parliament Chosani Njobvu did very well in Milanzi and people had liked both him and the party. MMD won the last by-election not because it’s popular but it’s because MMD used underhand methods to entice the voters,” Sakala said.

“I will give you an example of the last by-election where we found that MMD is using government wings to entice voters in Milanzi, they were giving out money to elderly people which should not be the case.”

Sakala warned the MMD against hoodwinking people by giving them money during the election time.

“We are warning MMD that this trend to bribe people should not continue in this by-election. UNIP is very much ready and I want to assure you that we are getting this seat because in Milanzi we have ten wards and out of ten wards UNIP is in control of nine wards and the tenth ward, there is an independent councilor, meaning that UNIP is on the ground,” Sakala said.

He said the people of Milanzi would not be cheated any longer by the MMD.

Sakala claimed that there was no pact in Milanzi.

“We are going to give the people of Milanzi a formidable candidate. This time around we don't want to make a mistake, we want the people of Milanzi to choose their own representative. We are not going to impose a candidate. As UNIP we have a constitution that we follow, already we have got eight candidates who have applied so we are calling for a primary election,” Sakala said.

But Phiri who predicted that the by-election would be free and fair said the MMD would defend the seat.

“We know that Milanzi had been a stronghold of UNIP but as MMD we got that seat through a by-election and we are confident that we are going to defend it. I am assuring the people that this by-election will be peaceful and we are defending it,” Phiri said.

He said about ten people had applied for adoption in Milanzi.

“According to what is obtaining on the ground White Banda is among the leading contenders for adoption. Among those that have applied are former provincial UNIP chairperson Ahmed Randera, Ezekiel Ngoma, Zebron Banda, a certain lady, Agness ...who works at the Eastern Province permanent secretary's office,” Phiri said.

Phiri said there was a slim chance that new members could be considered for the Milanzi seat.

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