
Friday, March 19, 2010

Findlay reveals his hatred for Levy, Lambas

Findlay reveals his hatred for Levy, Lambas
By George Chellah
Fri 19 Mar. 2010, 04:20 CAT

TERENCE Findlay on Wednesday openly revealed his hatred for the late president Levy Mwanawasa and the Lamba-speaking people in general to Lusaka lawyer Wynter Kabimba.

This was after the trial of former defence minister George Mpombo at Ndola magistrate's court. Mpombo is alleged to have issued a cheque of K10 million to Findlay on an insufficiently funded account.

Mpombo yesterday narrated that he learned of Findlay's outbursts through Kabimba who is part of his defence team, immediately after the court adjourned about midday.

“I am extremely flabbergasted and shocked by the scum of the politics Mr Findlay is trying to exhibit just to get at me for no apparent reason,” Mpombo said. “Yesterday Wednesday after the court session, I saw Mr Findlay walk down where we were standing to engage in discussion with one of my lawyers, Mr Wynter Kabimba, and they had quite a good chat for about 15 minutes or so.

Then as I was about to see off Mr Kabimba to his vehicle because he was travelling to Lusaka, he stopped me for some few minutes… he was trying to brief me as his client since he is my lawyer. That's when he Kabimba told me what Mr Findlay had said. He said 'look Findlay is very, very upset.

He says these Lamba chaps with their Levy where trying to put me in jail for 15 years for defilement, these are bad people. I don't like them.' He said this in reference to the case that he had in the courts involving defilement charges that were placed on him.”

Mpombo, a Lamba, described Findlay's remarks as extremely saddening and unfortunate.

“When I heard this, I was really shocked that he should bring in the late president and any Lamba-speaking person into his problems,” Mpombo said.

“He thinks that, that time when he was going through that situation it was the time of the late president Mwanawasa, so from what my lawyer told me you can conclude that just because president Mwanawasa was in control at that time the hatred now must spread to every Lamba speaking person. According to Mr Findlay, the hatred must spread so that all Lamba speaking people are sucked into his axis of evil. This kind of bitterness creates corrosive hatred and spiritual debauchery.

But I think that is unfortunate and I find it extremely uncouth and you can't understand the whole issue because it doesn't project a healthy picture at all.”

When contacted for comment, Findlay could neither deny nor confirm Mpombo's narration of what occurred on Wednesday after court.

“Ahh… if he is got nothing to say, let him just keep saying what he wants, I’m not interested. I am not interested in what he is saying. I am not interested!” said Findlay.

Mpombo's K10 million debt to Findlay, who is also former MMD Copperbelt Province chairman, turned sour when he was reported to the police for allegedly bouncing a cheque in the same amount.

Confirming the incident to the Zambia Daily Mail, police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso said the police opened a docket after Findlay presented his case.

However, the docket was closed after Findlay withdrew the case.
Kapeso was also quoted by ZNBC as saying that Mpombo, through his personnel manager, paid the K10 million cash to the complainant who subsequently instructed the police to close the docket.

But well-placed sources in government revealed that Findlay was put under pressure by State House to report the matter of the bouncing cheque to the police as a way of criminalising Mpombo and therefore silence him.

"...The President was very excited when he heard this because he saw an opportunity to fix Mr Mpombo as a way of silencing," the source disclosed.

And recently, Findlay was part of former president Frederick Chiluba entourage during the latter's last covert campaign tour of the Copperbelt Province.

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