
Friday, March 19, 2010

MISA calls for massive investment in the media

MISA calls for massive investment in the media
By Ernest Chanda
Fri 19 Mar. 2010, 03:50 CAT

MEDIA Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia chairperson Henry Kabwe has called for massive investment in the media in order to improve working conditions for media practitioners. And Press Freedom Committee (PFC) of The Post secretary general Sheik Chifuwe has lauded media diversity in the country.

Featuring on Lusaka’s Radio Phoenix yesterday, Kabwe said it was important to create an environment where the media could have enough resources for them to meet their challenges effectively.

He said currently it was hypocritical for the media to write about other people’s conditions of service when theirs were not good.

“There is need to create an environment that will ensure massive investment in the media. People ought to be remunerated fairly and according to their input. Sometimes I ask my colleagues why a journalist should cover a strike by workers who have not been paid for three months when he himself has gone without a salary for one year,” he said. “In my view, this is hypocrisy. So, we should call for massive investment in the media so that there could be enough resources for everyone.”

Kabwe called for unity in the nation despite people’s political inclinations.

“I think we should understand that we are Zambians before we become MMD, PF, UPND or whatever political affiliation. That’s the prime thing we should keep in mind. And if we remember that, then there will be no harassment of each other simply because we differ politically. I know that even at the NCC National Constitutional Conference people debate according to their political inclinations, not according to logic. This is a sad situation,” Kabwe said.

And Chifuwe said media diversity in the country had been quite effective in promoting media freedom.

“The diversity among media has enriched our democracy.Different people in the media have brought in a lot of ideas and this has helped in our push for media freedom. So, I think media diversity has not disadvantaged the media industry in the country. If anything the media have gotten stronger through this diversity,” said Chifuwe.

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