
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(HERALD) Zimbabwe doesn’t need peacekeepers

Zimbabwe doesn’t need peacekeepers

Editor — Prime Minister Morgan Tsva-ngirai is always found wanting.

A lot of people in his party and even those in Cabinet are taken aback by some of his slips of the tongue. They should just tell him straight in the face that he makes or is making a lot of blunders.

Many supporters, including my good old friend who is an avid supporter of MDC-T, think the PM is taking them for a ride or the party has no core values. My good friend came to my house on Sunday night after attending the Chitungwiza rally.

He said: "Campion our leader is losing it fast. How can he talk about bringing in peacekeepers to monitor elections as if we are in a war situation. Ndopaanodyiwa namudhara ipapa. The man lacks political depth".

l was taken aback by these words coming from a man who finds Tsvangirai faultless. Tsvangirai’s behaviour does not surprise some of us who have seen him rising from a trade unionist to the political joker he is today.

How can you be a leader who says this today and deny it tomorrow. Recently, we have the Prime Minister admitting that sanctions were hurting the economy when all along he had been denying their existence and preferring to call them restrictive measures.

He is now at loggerheads with his senior party officials who now think he iskowtowing to Zanu-PF’s line of thinking. This is a recipe for disaster in MDC-T as there is a cabal in the party that think the PM is now throwing the ‘‘founding principles’’ of the party out of the window.

Even the party’s backers in Zimbabwe and abroad are in confusion about what the PM is saying these days. ln my opinion, this is a Damascan experience for the PM. He has seen the light. We do not know who he visited by night to ask what one should if one is foisted with leadership.

Maybe he was told that one has to defend the gains of the liberation struggle and have a party that is nationalistic in outlook. People are aghast when they hear Mr Tsvangirai defending the lndigenisation Act, which he branded null and void.

ls he sincere or he is speaking with a forked tongue? His inconsistency in leadership is now in the open for all to see.

As my good friend was leaving my house he asked why online publications thought Campion Mereki was a pseudonym for Presidential Spokesperson George Charamba.

I said they do not realise that there are many Zimbabweans who think like Mr Charamba, who happens to be my role model.

Campion wekwaMereki.


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