
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF is still the ruling party

Zanu-PF is still the ruling party
By: Campion wekwaMereki
Posted: Sunday, March 14, 2010 9:04 pm

DEAR EDITOR — What do we call a party whose leader is the only man with the mandate to form a Government and make appointments? Do we call such party a former ruling party? Correct me here scholars and academics. President Mugabe is the President of both his party and Zimbabwe.

The fact that other parties came into the Government via the GPA does not make Zanu-PF a former ruling party. It is the ruling party together with the other parties. I say this because the MDC-T spokesman Nelson Chamisa loves so much to call Zanu-PF, ‘‘the former ruling party.’’

Why is he crying foul that he has been stripped naked of functions of his ministry? Does a former ruling party leader exercise presidential powers? What I know is that former ruling parties and their leaders are not in Government and they will be either not functional or in opposition.

Zanu-PF is in Government and thus they are a ruling party.

So the dream or fantasy that Zanu-PF is a former ruling party by those who came into Government early this morning should be left to flow with raw sewage.

Why did Chamisa accept to be sworn in by a leader of a former ruling party?

To whom does his party leader report?

Do not fool yourself that Zanu-PF was saved by MDC-T or MDC-T legitimised President Mugabe’s presidency.

For the record, no candidate garnered the required 50 percent plus 1 margin in March 29 presidential elections to claim outright victory.

President Mugabe went on to win the June run-off which MDC-T claimed it boycotted when it had not.

The Electoral Act is clear on what happens if a party boycotts elections, and so to say President Mugabe is an illegitimate president is nonsense only the West and MDC-T entertain.

Let it ring true in the ears of doubting Thomases that Zanu-PF is still the ruling party.

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