Tuesday, March 30, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Propaganda being passed off as news

Propaganda being passed off as news
By: Comrade Tauraya
Posted: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:20 am

DEAR EDITOR - First of all, let me commend you for sterling work you are doing at the Zimbabwe Guardian. I do not know what the internet would have been like without your publication. Everyday, we are fed with mindless propaganda passed off as news by half-baked journalists who wait for the Herald to publish then plagiarise everything without giving it credit.

We need a pro-Zimbabwean publication with a vanguard approach, that can question all these emerging stereotypes about Zimbabwe and all the rubbish that is sometimes printed by online media.

Let me also commend you for covering all news; especially international and African news.

I think one of the greatest problems we have in Zimbabwe is the inability to see a wider picture than Zimbabwe. This has made our people ignorant about a lot of issues, including issues of international diplomacy.

Zimbabweans also fail to make a comparative analysis of problems faced in Zimbabwe in relation to other parts of Africa, and the world. Hence the tunnel vision that has gripped our people.

Let me conclude by making a statement on America.

Despite grandstanding on Iraq, Zimbabwe and other countries, that country is on a slippery slope. Its power is now challenged even by very small states; despite having the biggest and most equipped military.

America's military arsenal is bigger than that of the next twenty states combined, yet they need the brain power of Israel. If they didn't, they could cut them loose. If they didn’t have most of their consumables made in China, they could cut them loose.

It has become a nation on life support, depending on other nations for its survival. If these nations pull the plug, they die. The USA is still hemorrhaging jobs and their kids can’t identify vegatables….sad.



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