Monday, April 05, 2010

Chiefs should always be impartial on matters to do with politics – Madzimawe

Chiefs should always be impartial on matters to do with politics – Madzimawe
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sun 04 Apr. 2010, 04:01 CAT

HOUSE of Chiefs chairperson chief Madzimawe has described Eastern Province MMD chairperson Kennedy Zulu's sentiments that the party would consider Milanzi chiefs' recommendations in the adoption of their candidate as mere politicking.

And Milanzi by-election MMD campaign manager Dr Eustarckio Kazonga said MMD would embark on issue-based campaigns in the area. In an interview last Thursday, chief Madzimawe said traditional leaders should always be impartial on matters to do with politics.

“I think the PEC MMD provincial executive committee chairperson was just politicking when he issued that statement. I think that message was targeted at other political parties like the opposition trying to scare them that they MMD have the backing of the chiefs but chiefs are non-partisan and they are supposed to be impartial,” chief Madzimawe said.

He said chiefs only advocated for better candidates who could represent the people well once elected.

“All the parties should present better candidates so that they could be able to represent the people better in an event that they are voted into office. I think what chief Kathumba said on this issue was very good because people need a credible representative,” chief Madzimawe said.

He urged political parties taking part in both the Milanzi and Mufumbwe by-elections to conduct peaceful campaigns.

“You know people should realise that although they belong to different political parties they are brothers and sisters, they are members of the same family and so they should embrace each other. We don't want anybody to preach violence in these areas during the campaigns,” chief Madzimawe said. “They should leave these places the way they will find them. We don't want any damage to property and other bad things to happen.”

And Dr Kazonga, who is also local government minister and Vubwi member of parliament, said the MMD would base their campaign on issues.

“We are going to explain our programmes that we are carrying out that we are going to present to the people of Milanzi. Ours is issue-based campaign, government has done a lot in that area and we are going there to explain what government is doing,” Dr Kazonga said.

He said the people of Milanzi were able to see what government was doing.

When asked to comment on White Banda who was adopted on the MMD ticket, Dr Kazonga said he had not yet officially received the name of the candidate.
“I was out of office so I have just reported to the office today. I haven't received the name of the candidate officially but I am the campaign manager,” Dr Kazonga said.

Dr Kazonga denied reports that his ministry had called chief Kathumba of Katete to Lusaka because he was seemingly opposed to the MMD candidate.

Sources said some traditional leaders in Milanzi preferred 2006 Sinda losing MMD parliamentary candidate Zebron Banda to White Banda.

Earlier, chief Kathumba said it was not his preoccupation to take part in the selection of political candidates.

Chief Kathumba advised all the parties taking part in the by-election to adopt credible people.

UNIP has adopted Musa Banda, MMD has adopted White Banda while PF-UPND has adopted Albert Banda.
The Milanzi by-election is slated for April 29.

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