
Thursday, April 15, 2010

(HERALD) 51pc law stays: President

51pc law stays: President
By Sydney Kawadza

GOVERNMENT will not nullify the gazetted Indigeni-sation and Economic Empowerment Regulations and will instead continue driving for equitable distribution of Zimbabwe’s wealth, President Mugabe has said.

Speaking to journalists after touring the Tobacco Sales Floors and Zimbabwe Tobacco Auction Company in Harare yesterday, President Mugabe said the only changes to the regulations would be those that improve them.

"There will not be any nullification of the regulations, but they have to be improved. Regulations are regulations (and) when they are drafted they need to be scrutinised to see how strong or weak they are. This will not necessarily be an issue of changing their substance," he said.

Yesterday, MDC-T functionaries were claiming in the online media that Cabinet had nullified the regulations that give substance to the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act that seeks to ensure Zimbabweans own 51 percent of businesses worth over US$500 000.

It is understood that over 100 companies have lodged proposals with the Government on how they intend to comply with the regulations.

President Mugabe said Government’s indigenisation drive, which included land reforms, had empowered many people who were previously living in abject poverty.

"We are happy that the farmers have said they can do what the white former farmers were doing. Kana wapihwa munda watopihwa chombo chekuvamba bhizimisi saka ndidzo pfungwa dzatanga tiinadzo kuti vanhu vedu vanetuminda tudiki vanozoita zvirimwa zvinouya kumaauction floors.

"Last year, we had 1 700 registered (tobacco farmers) and we hear that the number has grown to 35 000. We hope that these farmers will continue to come up with advanced ideas that ensure economic empowerment for Zimbabwe," the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces said. President Mugabe urged beneficiaries of the land reform programme to be on the lookout for enemies of the indigenisation drive.

"Tisu tadzika midzi saka kuti tichitorerwa ringatova ropa rinodeuka. Asi vanhu ava vanouya nedzimwe nzira sekuti ini ndinematarakita andangandichinawo saka iwe chigara hako ini ndorima ndokupawo kachidimu.

"There are others who have let former farm owners continue growing crops where they were resettled. The whites say we share, I get the biggest share, 90 percent, and you get 10 percent. It’s happening.

"Vanhu vakagariswa patsva ngavachenjerere vamwe vavo varikutengesa minda yatakavapa. Regai kunyarara kana muinavo vanhu ivava.

"Kana mubhunu adzoka pamunda zvinoreva kuti Chimurenga chedu chatakarwa chava kudududza. Tinenge tichidzorera shure zvose zvatakarwira.

"Isu takati tarova nyoka asi nerwereseri mavakupa vanhu ivava minda. Tichatora mapurazi iwawo topa vanhu vanonzwisisa nhaka iyoyi yatakapihwa.

"Kana tichinge takupai minda imi moita yekurendesa! Takakupa munda kuti ushandise kwete kurendesa. Hatizvide! If it is between blacks we might understand."

President Mugabe said the focus of indigenisation had now shifted to mines and factories.

"We are not through yet. We are going into mining because even when you are managers or chief executives at these firms you do not own anything. You are just a worker.

"That is why we have brought in the laws so that people own the mines and the factories. Those who come should assist us financially as we remain the owners of the companies and we will determine where we will get the markets for our products.

"This is the same with factories and we are saying people should get 51 percent of the factories. Kana pane vasingadi hamheno havo asi ndizvo zvatiri kuita nekuti nyika ndeyedu tinoita zvatinoda nekuti tisu varidzi. Ndosaka kuine mheremhere yamurikunzwa mazuva ano," he said.

President Mugabe also met tobacco buyers and contractors, expressing hope that they would give prices farmers find satisfactory.

He, however, lamented the absence of banking sector representatives saying they were integral to agriculture and should show keener interest.

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