
Thursday, April 15, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Biti, Bennett clash over indigenisation

Biti, Bennett clash over indigenisation
By: Floyd Nkomo
Posted: Thursday, April 15, 2010 1:22 am

THE Minister of Finance Tendai Biti has clashed with senior members of the Movement for Democratic Party over indigenisation and economic empowerment laws, and over the issue of Roy Bennett's appointment.

The finance minister is reported to be supportive of the legislation and the regulations, but is not at liberty to publicly support the programme as it will put him in direct confrontation with the leadership of the MDC-T.

Biti is also said to be concerned that the issue of Bennett is disastrous to the image of the MDC-T party as a pro-white and anti-indigenisation party.

A source in the MDC-T party who spoke to the Zimbabwe Guardian on condition of anonymity says that Biti has avoided making public comments on the indigenisation policy and the appointment of Bennett to the agriculture ministry.

Prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai is said to have clashed with Biti when he declared the empowerment regulations "null and void". Mr Tsvangirai later made a U-turn and spoke out in support of the indigenisation regulations, saying they are meant to enhance participation of locals in the economy and not to undermine investment.

“It is in the best interest of the public as there is need for enhancing local participation in a broad based manner,” said prime minister Tsvangirai at a symposium on mobilising public private partnerships (PPPs) in institutions of higher and tertiary education in March, only two months after declaring the regulations "null and void".

"Biti has never publicly commented on the indigenisation policy. In fact he is supportive of it and was the reason why the prime minister has flip-flopped on the issue," said our source.

"He (Biti) has also clashed several times with financier and party treasurer Roy Bennett over his public comments that have not gone through his desk as secretary-general of the MDC-T.

"Bennett blames Biti for misappropriation of MDC-T funds when he was living in South Africa. The two have never appeared in public together and are afraid that their behind-the-scenes squabble could make the MDC-T look disorganised."

Divisions within the MDC-T have been simmering for a long time, with the "Roy Bennett-Eddie Cross-Elton Mangoma camp" clashing with the "Tendai Biti-Nelson Chamisa camp". As secretary general and party spokesman respectively, Biti and Chamisa feel undermined by misguided statements made by Bennett and Cross to online media. They also feel that statements like the "crash and burn" statement made by Cross are detrimental to the party.

Prime minister Tsvangirai is often caught up in these fights, hence his many flip-flops on issues like civil (gay) marriages and economic empowerment.

Our source says that Biti, who hopes to take over the leadership of the party from Tsvangirai at the next Congress, knows that the issue of indigenisation is a hot potato. The policy has the support of the majority of people in Zimbabwe and Biti is not willing to compromise his leadership ambitions by going against it, and by siding with the right wing element of the party.

Our source also tells us that Bennett has approached PM Tsvangirai over allegations of misappropriation of funds in that party when he was in South Africa. The source claims that "MDC-T western funding has completely dried up and Bennett's appointment could see more funding come in."

Bennett is also said to be concerned that he is being sidelined as his appointment and the reversal of appointments of Reserve Bank Governor Dr Gideon Gono and Attorney General Johannes Tomana, now seem peripheral issues; especially after the passing of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act.

"Bennett has told funders to squeeze the party of funds until he is guaranteed a post in the inclusive Government," says our source.

Prime minister Tsvangirai is said to have ordered an inquiry into the corruption allegations and declared that all MDC-T members of the Cabinet declare their assets.

Party spokesman Chamisa announced in January that the MDC-T will maintain a register of assets for each Cabinet member. The exercise is said to have faced stiff resistance from party members and was privately shelved.

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