Sunday, April 25, 2010

Maize prices in Sinazongwe soar following flood disaster

Maize prices in Sinazongwe soar following flood disaster
By Lawrence Kabutu in Sinazongwe
Sun 25 Apr. 2010, 03:10 CAT

THE price of maize in Sinazongwe district has gone up following the cutting off the district from other parts of the country. Sinazongwe district agricultural coordinator Patchelly Mambo noted that the price of 18 kilogrammes maize grain had risen to K60,000 owing to communication problems.

Mambo said the district was cut from the rest of the country due to the bursting of Nkandabwe Dam that washed away one of the bridges in the district. He explained that the floods and bursting of Nkandabwe dam culminated into the washing away of crops.

Mambo stated that the number of hectares of crop damage caused by the floods and breached dam was still being quantified by the ministry of agriculture and cooperatives in Sinazogwe district.

He clarified that the desperate situation resulted in unstable prices as the district was cut from other parts of the district.

Mambo disclosed that plans were under way to repair the breached dam wall at Nkandabwe dam. Mambo observed that the irrigation canal channels at Nkandabwe would soon be worked on to repair the damage caused by the breached dam.

Sinazongwe district has for the second time been cut from the rest of the country following the damage caused to the bridge that was recently constructed.

Sinazongwe district commissioner Oliver Pelete recently said the recently constructed bridge was damaged when a truck laden with coal from Maamba passed on it.

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