
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dr Kazonga warns officers misappropriating donor funds

Dr Kazonga warns officers misappropriating donor funds
By Agness Changala
Thu 27 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

LOCAL government and housing minister Dr Eustarckio Kazonga has said officers misappropriating donor funds will be reported to the police for investigations and possible prosecution.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Kazonga said the end of year financial audits which the ministry had started carrying out were meant to ensure that public resources and donor funds were prudently utilised.

“We will ensure that the process of auditing is done at every financial year and we will take action by making sure that culprits are reported to police for further investigations and possible prosecutions,” Dr Kazonga said.

He said other than handing over culprits to the police, administrative measures such as dismissals and suspensions would be effected.

Dr Kazonga said the re-introduction of the local government service commission Act was one the measures being put in place to try and promote accountability.
He said the government was also building capacity of staff in local authorities so as to improve financial management.

Dr Kazonga disclosed that the local government service Act had withdrawn powers from the councilors to recruit staff.

“Councilors now will not recruit staff because they are no longer responsible and it will also allow for transferring staff because before that, staff was not transferable and this crippled many councils,” he said.

Dr Kazonga said it would now be possible to transfer one member of staff from one council to the other where a qualified staff was needed to improve the delivery of services.

Dr Kazonga said the Act had extended the term of office for the mayor from one to two and half years.

He explained that if a mayor serves two terms, he/she would serve five years, coinciding with the timeframe under which general elections are held.

Dr Kazonga said two and half years would give enough time to the mayor to settle and familiarise themselves with work compared to one year which he said was too short.

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