
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Govt revokes appointments of Chipata Trades acting principal, board chairperson

Govt revokes appointments of Chipata Trades acting principal, board chairperson
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thu 27 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Ministry of Science Technology and Vocational Training has revoked the appointments of Chipata Trades Training Institute (CTTI) board chairperson Fabian Kapatamoyo and acting principal Christopher Zulu.

Kapatamoyo confirmed his removal on Tuesday and thanked science and technology minister Dr Brian Chituwo for according him a chance to serve on the CTTI board.
He said he was told by the ministry to hold elections for a new board chairperson.

“I can confirm that I am no longer a board chairperson and the new chairperson is Ms Josephine Chirwa,” Kapatamoyo said without giving further details.

And when contacted, Chirwa said she was not really new in the board.

“We are all stakeholders so there is need for us to dialogue so that we come up with one understanding. I am a new board chairperson but I am not really new in the board,” Chirwa said.

Chirwa said the new acting principal was a Mr Nyirenda. Recently, lecturers staged a sit-in after the board terminated the contracts of three lecturers and demoted three others.

National Union of Tertiary Education Lecturers and Allied Workers Union (NUTELAWU) Chipata Trades chairperson Leman Thole said the lecturers were not happy with the manner in which their colleagues were demoted and fired.

“You know three of our colleagues have been demoted while three others have had their contracts terminated. You know as lecturers we petitioned the board but they never came to address us,” Thole said.

He said the lecturers wanted the dissolution of the board and the removal of the acting principal. The ministry later intervened and convinced the lecturers to call off their sit-in while they addressed their grievances.

Some sources at the institution said the removal of the board chairperson and the acting principal was as a result of the ministry’s investigations into the squabbles at the institution.

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