Tuesday, May 11, 2010

‘Fr Bwalya will receive worse punishment than what happened in Mufumbwe’

‘Fr Bwalya will receive worse punishment than what happened in Mufumbwe’
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola and Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Tue 11 May 2010, 04:20 CAT

ANDOLA district MMD vice publicity and information secretary Alex Mubanga has warned Fr Frank Bwalya that he will receive worse punishment than what happened in Mufumbwe if he continues “insulting” President Rupiah Banda. Commenting on Fr Bwalya’s statement that President Banda is worthless and should be given a red card, Mubanga said it was time to deal with Fr Bwalya.

“I have said this before and I want to repeat, whoever insults President Banda, insults MMD. President Banda is my father and I am not going to let small Fr Bwalya to insult my father, no! This is unacceptable. Time to deal with Fr Bwalya is now and this is not a joke,” he said.

Mubanga gave Fr Bwalya a seven-day-ultimatum to report all MMD members to police for threatening violence against him failure to which they would beat him up and teach him not to “insult” President Banda.

He said MMD members had tolerated Fr Bwalya for a long time and this time around he would be beaten like a child. He advised Fr Bwalya to take a leaf from what happened in Mufumbwe – where MMD thugs were taken to beat up opposition UPND members.

“I want to congratulate Fr Bwalya for reporting MMD Lusaka Province chairman William Banda to the police, what he did was good and he should not end there, he should report the entire MMD to the police for threatening violence on his life failure to which we will beat him up and teach him not to insult our president,” he said.

“I want to tell everyone that Fr Bwalya is not immune to beatings. We will flash him out and I want to advise all MMD members that whoever meets Fr Bwalya they should conduct a citizen’s arrest on him, he is a danger to society and he should be deterred.”

Mubanga alleged that Fr Bwalya had dark and dirty secrets, which he threatened to expose if the clergyman did not stop “insulting” President Banda. Mubanga charged that Fr Bwalya was not in his right frame of mind and people should not follow him or his ways.

Launching Change Life Zambia and the red card campaign in Luanshya’s Mpatamato township last Saturday, Fr Bwalya said President Banda had brought more suffering among Zambians.

“Rupiah Banda muwelele useless that is why people like William Banda are saying useless things,” he said.

Fr Bwalya said most people in Mpatamato were suffering to an extent that most had even forgotten what butter looked like.

“Butter yashala fye naba Rupiah, ebalya butter beka nenkanda pamenso yafula elo balemona ati ebusuma elo aleeba ine ati kuipa pamanso! Only Rupiah eats butter, his skin is now thick on his face and he thinks this is beauty and he says to me ‘your face is ugly’”, Fr Bwalya said.

And when contacted yesterday, Fr Bwalya observed that the MMD had departed from late president Levy Mwanawasa’s philosophy of a government of laws and not men to that of government of evil men.

Fr Bwalya said all peace-loving Zambians should condemn the culture of anarchy and intimidation being championed by the MMD.

He said Mubanga’s threats posed a great danger on his life and both the MMD and police would be blamed if anything happened to him especially if no action was taken against the anarchists. Fr Bwalya denied insulting President Banda as insinuated by Mubanga.

“I have just been saying the truth about who he is and if I am brought before any court under the sun, I can justify it,” Fr Bwalya said. “In fact, it is Mr Rupiah Banda who has been insulting me but I am not complaining because that is what he can afford. We can’t ask him for oranges when he is a lemon tree.”

Fr Bwalya said Zambians had rejected the kind of anarchy and lawlessness that Mubanga was promoting but that simple MMD cadres had the audacity to take the law into their own hands because higher authorities in their party were doing the same.

“They MMD are promoting a culture of violence, intimidation and lawlessness. They have totally departed from Levy’s philosophy of a government of laws and not men because it seems under Rupiah Banda, we have a government of evil men and not laws,” said Fr Bwalya.

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