Monday, May 10, 2010

(HERALD) Chombo, MDC-T clash

Chombo, MDC-T clash
Municipal Reporter

This sets the stage for a showdown between Minister Chombo and the MDC-T leadership that is insisting that all officials expelled from the party were supposed to be booted out of council.

However, Minister Chombo last Tuesday confirmed that Alderman Chipiyo, his deputy Clr Rangarirai Mutingwende and the entire council would be installed at the Aquatic Complex on May 21.

"I am going to install the mayor and his councillors. I have not been furnished with any evidence by MDC-T that the councillors are indeed corrupt.

"We want to be fair with everyone. We do not want to just smear people with unsubstantiated accusations. When the evidence is there and can be proved, then we will act," he said.

Alderman Chipiyo, together with his councillors, were fired by MDC-T after defying a party directive to elect Dr Vincent Gwaradzimba as mayor to replace former mayor Israel Marange who was fired for corruption.

Minister Chombo, however, refused to take instructions from MDC-T, which would have violated the Urban Councils Act, and maintained he would continue working with the council. He, however, fired Marange and suspended Clrs Tinashe Kanyama and Godfrey Mangoma on allegations of corruption.

Minister Chombo argued that if any investigation alleged corrupt activities, the accused parties should be given an opportunity to answer to the allegations.

An upbeat Alderman Chipiyo yesterday confirmed that council had started mobilising resources for the installation. He said council was working hard to resuscitate the grounded refuse collection trucks.

So far, eight out of 16 vehicles are back on the road.

"We need batteries, tyres and tubes for the other eight. We are also working on the sewer reticulation system," he said.

However, a drive around the town confirmed that much still needed to be done to win the hearts and minds of the residents. There are still mounds of uncollected garbage especially in Units G, N, O and P. Sewer blockages are also very visible in the areas.

But Alderman Chipiyo said his council was hamstrung by financial problems.

"We are now doing door to door refuse collections. This was last done seven years ago. We should be proud of that record," he said.

He said despite being fired by the MDC-T, he continued to send the party service delivery reports.

Asked why he was doing that, Alderman Chipiyo said the MDC-T should know that the councillors were still at work and giving services to the people.

The expulsion from MDC-T did not affect their standing as councillors because the Urban Councils’ Act does not provide for the recalling of councillors by their political parties.

The case is different from Parliament where an MP leaving the party on whose ticket they were elected, or who is expelled, automatically loses their seat when the party writes to the Speaker or Senate President.

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