Monday, May 10, 2010

(HERALD) ZDERA: US applying lipstick on a frog

ZDERA: US applying lipstick on a frog

EDITOR — US lawmakers’ decision to amend ZDERA and come up with a so-called less virulent Zimbabwe Transition to Democracy and Economic Recovery Act is duplicity of the highest order.

Zimbabwe does not need virulent or less virulent sanctions; all forms of sanctions must go, period. The US wants to hoodwink people into thinking that it is softening its stance on Zimbabwe when it is ratcheting up the illegal regime change agenda.

The proposed new sanctions law is now meant to increase assistance to the MDC-T to gear themselves up for the next elections. The US is interfering in Zimbabwe's affairs the same way it is doing in other countries to protect its interests under the guise of promoting democracy. ZDERA should not be reformed but should be repealed.

We Zimbabweans have suffered long enough under this illegal embargo. Now the self-serving Westerners want the UN to impose stiffer sanctions on lran to prevent it from producing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. How many nuclear warheads does the US possess?

Latest figures released indicate that it has a stockpile of 5 113 warheads. lt has used them against Japan during the second European War, inappropriately dubbed World War II.

It’s closest ally Israel has nuclear weapons and other European countries. Neighbours lndia and Pakistan possess the weapons and are ready to use them for war purposes. Why lran?

The American government lied that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when it was only a pretext to invade Iraq to get their hands on the country’s oil reserves.

The same warmongers are now casting their greedy eyes on lran’s oil. Talk of double standards. The US attempts at cosmetic changes to ZDERA are not acceptable to Zimbabwe. You can’t put lipstick on a frog and hope it can land the Miss Universe title. ZDERA is still ugly and we do not need it.

Campion wekwaMereki.

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