Monday, May 24, 2010

Upgrading of international airports to turn Zambia into trade hub - Misitala

COMMENT - Mfuwe?

Upgrading of international airports to turn Zambia into trade hub - Misitala
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 24 May 2010, 04:01 CAT

NATIONAL Airports Corporation (NAC) limited managing director Robinson Misitala has said the infrastructure development earmarked at the four international airports in the country will help Zambia become a cargo hub for traffic in the region.

In an interview, Misitala said Zambia would be used as a hub for traffic from Asia, Europe and America.

“Air transport is the fastest mode of transport. We want to create Zambia as a cargo hub for traffic from Asia, Europe and America so that we can start distributing to neighbouring capital cities,” he said.

Misitala said the current infrastructure at the airports was old and required to be upgraded. Misitala, however, said the challenge would be on the road which would not be sufficient.

“We need to upgrade it into a dual carriage way…we are planning ring roads,” he said.

The American government through the ministry of communications and transport gave out US$750,000 for a master plan of four airports, Mfuwe, Livingstone, Ndola and Lusaka and the plan which is being done by an American company called Jacobs consultancy is set to be submitted in July this year.

The aim of the master plan is to develop the four airports into airport cities which will have shopping malls, conference facilities, sports complex and other one-stop facilities.

Misitala said investments into these plans will come from the public and private sector in line with the Public Private Partnerships which government had put in place.

He said once the master plan was ready, they would inform the public about the investment opportunities available.

And Misitala has bemoaned the vandalism of airport infrastructure because of settlements around the airport.

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