Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 youth organisations demand Dr Musonda’s resignation

5 youth organisations demand Dr Musonda’s resignation
By Chibaula Silwamba
Tue 15 June 2010, 07:50 CAT

Youth movements leaders protesting at The Post newspapers officers in Lusaka yesterday demanding the arrest of health deputy minister Dr. Solomon Musonda and the removal of Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde

FIVE youth’s organisations have demanded the resignation of health deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda within 48 hours, for shooting and wounding a Serenje youth, failure to which they will hold countrywide demonstrations to force him out of office.

In a joint press statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by Operation Young Vote president Guess Nyirenda, Forum for Youth Organisations of Zambia president Beck Banda, Global Justice Zambia executive director Rodney Katongo, Development Partnership International media and strategy coordinator Richard Musauka and Youth Constitutional Coordinating Committee co-ordinator Mulenga Fube, the youths demanded the arrest of Dr Musonda.

“As the youth movement we are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that Dr Solomon Musonda, the deputy minister of health has caused injury to the moral fibre of society by shooting a defenceless young person. This act of shooting Zambians at will and with impunity shall not be tolerated by the youth movement,” the youths stated.

“It is unfortunate that despite the cries of Zambians, Dr Solomon Musonda’s conscience seem unshaken. It is even more disturbing that the person in question has taken a Hippocratic Oath under the medical profession, worse still is a deputy minister in the pro-life ministry. We categorically state that we despise ‘gun culture and justice for sale’.”

They noted that it seemed that Zambia now had two kinds of laws - one for those closer to the ruling class and the other for the vulnerable citizenry.

“We demand that Dr Musonda resigns within 48 hours based on both moral and professional reasons. If he does not resign within the ultimatum given, we shall mobilise a peaceful but mass nationwide youth demonstration to have him out of office.

We would like to refer to what has happened before in one of Africa’s countries,” they stated. “In January 1994, honourable Joseph Sebarenzi resigned as speaker of the Rwandan Parliament on accusations that he had abused his office.

On February 18, 1994, Celestin Rwihgena, Prime Minister resigned on allegations that he was involved in division of public resources meant to build two schools. On 22nd March, 1994, State President Pasteur Bizimungu resigned after walking on angry speech accusing MPs of creating obstacles for the government.”

They urged Dr Musonda to emulate other African leaders that had committed offences and resigned.
“If these people held public office and resigned on allegations and accusations, we find it necessary for Dr Musonda to also resign. We believe Dr Musonda’s issue is political but a moral and life matter, primarily.

The youth movement is more saddened especially to our generation and shot another youth. We call on different stakeholders to come together and arrest the emerging trend of politically related violence especially that we are going into an election year,” they stated.

They urged young people from all walks of life to guard against the culture of violence by refusing to be used by any political player in disturbing the peace the nation has been enjoying.

“We, the youth movement, are promising that any person or group of persons causing injury and intimidating the youth who are suppose to be preparing for voter registration, whether from the opposition or ruling class, shall be met with serious force which no one will manage the counter,” they stated. “We have been preparing and we are now ready to champion the new order in this great nation.”

A fortnight ago, Dr Musonda, who is also Chitambo member of parliament in Serenje district, shot and wounded opposition Patriotic Front cadre Jackson Musaka, 25.

Several people have demanded the resignation of Dr Musonda while others demanded that President Rupiah Banda fires him.

But President Banda has shielded Dr Musonda, saying he was sorry for the deputy minister because he is a professional and there must be a reason that led to his shooting Musaka and that reason would soon be known.

“I am very sorry also for him Dr Musonda. This matter again as you know it’s in the hands of the police and the DPP Director of Public Prosecution. I have really nothing to say about it. I am of course very sorry for him. He is a professional; it’s a pity that this has happened to him but there must be a reason, we shall know about it soon,” said President Banda last Thursday.

Asked if he would discipline Dr Musonda, President Banda responded: “No! No! I think you are going too fast, why can’t we wait until everything is clear.”Meanwhile, Nyirenda, Banda, Katongo, Musauka and Mulenga Fube, on behalf of their respective organisations, yesterday visited Post editor-in-chief Fred M’membe to offer their solidarity to him.

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