Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chief Mushota orders subjects not to support PF

Chief Mushota orders subjects not to support PF
By Ernest Chanda
Fri 25 June 2010, 15:00 CAT

CHIEF Mushota of the Chishinga people in Kawambwa District has ordered his subjects to stop anyone promoting opposition Patriotic Front (PF) activities in the area.

According to well placed sources at the chief's palace, chief Mushota has given the order in line with the instructions given to him by former president Frederick Chiluba at the Luapula 'development' meeting held last month between Chiluba and chiefs in the province.

However, the source said the chief's order had annoyed many subjects who think that he is interfering with their freedom of association.

"As I speak to you, the chief has sent a group of people to chief Kabanda and to Kuyumba area to tell people to turn against Sata. He has been telling everyone not to vote for Sata because he believes that Sata is a bad man who has also insulted paramount chief Chitimukulu.

His royal highness chief Mushota says he and other chiefs were given special instructions by Dr Chiluba to decampaign Mr Sata," the source said. "But I can tell you that most of the people here are not happy.

They are complaining that the chief is tempering with their freedom of association by choosing a political party for them. In fact there is a group that is organising themselves to demonstrate against chief Mushota's conduct.

It is no doubt that this area is a PF stronghold, so Dr Chiluba could be fearing for his freedom, anyway!"

Another source said the chief was also acting on instructions from some PF rebel parliamentarians.

“I don't want to mention specific names, but you and I know that all PF rebel members of parliament from this province don't support their party leader.

Of course they know that they will not be adopted so they want to spoil things for the PF, but I don't think they will manage.

In fact even the area member of parliament Dr Bernard Chisha - Pambashe constituency is not in good books with his party, so I will not be surprised if he is also part of the scheme," said the source.

Efforts to get comment from chief Mushota proved futile.

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