Monday, July 26, 2010

MMD will lead beyond 2030 – Kunda

MMD will lead beyond 2030 – Kunda
By Mwala Kalaluka in Luena
Mon 26 July 2010, 13:50 CAT

WE are going to rule as MMD beyond 2030 whether you like it or not, Vice-President George Kunda has declared. And MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga has compared the Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD) ‘falling rain’ slogan to “things that are usually done in the night”.

Meanwhile, community development minister Michael Kaingu has said he will start camping at Mongu Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc (Zanaco) branch to ensure that the women empowerment cheques that he issued over a month ago in Luena Constituency are paid out.

Addressing a campaign rally at Mombo Basic School on Sunday when he went to drum up support for the MMD candidate in the Luena by-election, Mwangala Maopu, Vice-President Kunda said the country’s opposition political parties were erratic, as they had no vision or plan for the country.

“I was talking about Vision 2030. What that means is that we are going to rule as MMD beyond 2030 whether you like it or not. These other parties, Mr (Michael) Sata of PF, HH, we have never seen their manifestos, we have never ever seen. Everyday they are changing, shifting goalposts…they are erratic. They have no plan for the country,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“The difference between MMD and these other parties, which are in a lot of confusion in their so-called pact, the difference is that with us, we have national development plans.”

Vice-President Kunda said the way the MMD government was working was the same way all governments in the world operated.

“Every year, we budget for your needs as a government. The way we plan, we start with the manifesto. We have a manifesto. We have a scientific approach to development,” he said.

“Even when we start implementing, our citizens, because they have access to all these things, when we are going wrong, they can remind us. They can criticise us, and that is why it is important to have all these things.”

Vice-President Kunda said he and the ministers he had travelled with could boast that they were in control of the national budget.

“We are in control of the resources of this country. The opposition don’t determine the destiny of this country and they are there just to criticise. They are there just to cause confusion; with us, we are there to provide development,” Vice-President Kunda bragged.

“Now, here in Luena, and thank God that this member of parliament resigned himself, threw in the towel because he failed lamentably. Thank God he made this opportunity.”

Vice-President Kunda said the people of Luena had no parliamentarian representation in the ADD’s Charles Milupi.
“You had no representation in Parliament. He was a very bad member of parliament, very incompetent,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“Charles Milupi was preaching falsehoods in this particular constituency. He was giving false promises.”

Vice-President Kunda said the MMD candidate Maopu would be joining a system of government that was delivering.

“He will just jump on a moving train; as government, we are already moving,” said Vice-President Kunda.

And Mabenga said when ADD members shouted their ‘falling rain’ slogan of "cuuu", they meant things that usually happened in the night.

“Amu utwa inge aeza cuuu ki lika zisili ze kona ku ezahala busihu (when you hear Milupi say 'cuuu', it means something else, which can only be done at night, not rain),” Mabenga said.

After noticing that some of the people that had been beating drums at the rally were not acknowledging his oration by way of smiling, Mabenga told them not to be rigid because it would not help them.

“The one who will not smile is the one who is rigid,” said Mabenga.

Livestock and fisheries deputy minister Albert Mulonga said the people of Luena would only benefit from government funds aimed at fighting livestock diseases if they voted for the MMD candidate.

“You had opposition member of parliament who could not come to my office,” Mulonga said.

“He was not one of us because he was fearing to come to my office. The people of Luena, you are going to benefit from this money if you choose Maopu because he will be able to come to my office, get this money and come and give it to you.”
Meanwhile, Kaingu started his brief address by asking if he had not been in the area recently, and some women said he had been.

“Didn’t I stand under this same tree?” Kaingu asked the women who replied in the affirmative. Kaingu then asked the women what he had talked to them about, and some were heard mumbling the word cheques.

“Your money, as I am speaking, on Monday you go, get and eat,” Kaingu said amidst applause from some women.

“Tomorrow (Monday) I will wait for you at the bank so that you collect your money. They were cheating you that the money is not there…until when we say the body and blood is being given to you, that is when you will understand.”

Kaingu said those that would not vote for Maopu on August 5, 2010 would have some of their body parts burnt in hell because every government was appointed by God.

Women were given Ministry of Community Development empowerment cheques over a month ago but after Milupi had resigned as Luena independent parliamentarian, could not cash the cheques at Mongu Zanaco branch, as the right procedure was not followed.

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