
Monday, August 30, 2010

Gawa Undi complains over short period for comments on draft constitution

Gawa Undi complains over short period for comments on draft constitution
By Ernest Chanda and Christopher Miti in Katete
Mon 30 Aug. 2010, 04:01 CAT

PARAMOUNT chief Kalonga Gawa Undi of the Chewa people in Eastern Province has told President Rupiah Banda that he was disappointed with the short period given to the public to comment on the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) draft constitution. And President Banda said no meaningful development could take place in a society which lacks a strong cultural background.

In his opening speech read by deputy chief minister Dr Justine Malewezi at this year’s Kulamba Kubwalo ceremony on Saturday, Gawa Undi said the constitution was an important document, which required sufficient time for people to comment on.

“On the political front, we wish to register our disappointment over the few days allocated to the public to submit on the draft constitution. We feel that the period was too short for many people to make submissions,” Gawa Undi said.

“More time, say 90 days could have been allocated to the process so that more people participate.”

Gawa Undi complained that crop marketing had continued to be a problem in his area. He said farmers in his chiefdom waited for too long to be paid for their produce.

“Our province is predominantly an agriculture province. Crop marketing has continued to be a problem; there are few marketing points. On the other hand, farmers wait for buyers for a long time at the few buying points. And they still wait for their payments for a long time. There is also the high cost of inputs such as fertiliser and fuel,” said Gawa Undi.

“Our farmers also face problems of abuse from briefcase traders who get their produce. Electricity interruptions are also affecting development in the province. The few industries we have cannot run on full capacity due to low voltage. We therefore need a lasting solution to this problem.”

Gawa Undi also cited the high pump price of fuel as one of the major problems hindering development in the province.

Gawa Undi controls 42 Chewa chiefdoms in Zambia, 137 in Malawi and 33 in Mozambique.

Kulamba is an annual traditional ceremony at which all Chewa chiefs under the control of Gawa Undi pay homage to their paramount chief and report all problems they have in their chiefdoms.

And President Banda said no meaningful development could take place in a society, which lacked a strong cultural background in terms of sound values, norms and behaviour among its people.

“Through art, music, theatre, dance and various other cultural performances, culture contributes to tourism promotion. I am sure everyone will agree with me that what we have seen so far proves that this ceremony is actually improving,” President Banda said.

He said the government would continue providing basic infrastructure such as roads, railway lines and other facilities to further ensure that education, health and food were accessible to the majority of the people.

“This government will continue to support the livelihood and welfare of our people by providing basic infrastructure such as roads and railways but, in addition, will continue to provide Fertiliser Support Programme which has resulted in a bumper crop never known in the history of Zambia before. We have to build more schools, more hospitals, more health centres than ever before, and will continue to do so,” President Banda said.

President said the number of maize buying markets had increased from 59 last year to over 160 this year.

He said the government was pleased with the performance of the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP), and pledged continued support.

On a lighter note, President Banda said he was a cowardly Chewa in respect of snakes.

“Aninena a master of ceremony Lucas Phiri kuti ku Chiparamba ndiye kuli Njoka zambiri koma onani a President uthamanga akaona njoka (the master of ceremonies was attacking me saying there are a lot of snakes in Chiparamba but I run away when I see a snake),” he remarked.

President Banda said he enjoyed the demonstration on domestication of snakes by the Chewa performers.

Malawian Local Government minister Ana Namakanga Kachikho said events like the Kulamba expressed people’s way of living.

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