
Monday, August 30, 2010

If donors praise you, then there’s something wrong with you - Chiluba

If donors praise you, then there’s something wrong with you - Chiluba
By Kombe Chimpinde and Joseph Mwenda
Mon 30 Aug. 2010, 14:20 CAT

If donors don’t say something bad about you, then there is something wrong with you, former republican president Frederick Chiluba has charged.

Talking to journalists at the Supreme Court this morning shortly after the adjournment of his wife, Regina’s case, Chiluba said donors had identified their puppets in the country whom they used as surrogates to divide the nation.

“Look at every nation, particularly the third World countries, they (donors) look at countries to identify their puppets whom they use as surrogates to divide the nation,” he said.

Chiluba said donors were in the habit of attacking Pan-Africanists who defend the principles of sovereignty.

“And they also identify true genuine nationalists and Pan-Africanists whom they must attack, because in Pan-Africanism, we espouse the ideas and principles of sovereignty, independence and autonomy which puppets can’t,” Chiluba said.

“And naturally those that espouse those virtues, principals and rights of the African people become enemies of the donors.”

He said one did not need to commit murder in order for donors to hate them.

“You don’t have to commit murder for them to hate you, you just have to be a dwelling genuine nationalist, a real Pan-Africanist and that’s the crime you commit. If you are praised, or if donors praise you, or they don’t say something bad about you, go and check yourself, there is something wrong with you,” he said.

Earlier Chiluba who was mobbed by his praise singers and sympathisers hesitated to talk to the press, referring all queries to his press aid Emmanuel Mwamba.
“I will make a statement through my press secretary Emmanuel. I still remain president I have a secretary,” he said.

Asked about his views on the recent decision by the High Court to throw away an application that sought to register the London judgment found him liable of defrauding Zambians of US$ 46 million, Chiluba said he was happy.

“Tell them I am smiling, am smiling.. it’s a good smile, broad smile a genuine one,” he said.

And Chiluba said he was still part of State House

“Didn’t you see what happened last week to Jimmy Carter? He went to North Korea to rescue an American. He still remains part of White House. When you retire, you still make an extension of State House, and I will continue to do things to assist my government and the people of Zambia and to help you (journalist) when they misunderstand you,” said Chiluba.

Chiluba’s comments come shortly after President Banda last week castigated donors over what he termed interference into the country’s internal affairs for urging government to appeal the High Court judgment that throw out the registration of the London judgment that found the former president and others liable for theft of US $46 million of public funds.

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