Sunday, August 15, 2010

Its time to get rid of Rupiah - Mpombo

Its time to get rid of Rupiah - Mpombo
By Kabanda Chulu, Abigail Chaponda and Darious Kapembwa in Ndol
Sun 15 Aug. 2010, 04:02 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo has said time has come for Zambians to get rid of President Rupiah Banda’s dirty cobweb of leadership. In an interview on Friday after his release from Kansenshi Prisons, Mpombo - who is MMD Kafulafuta member of parliament - said President Banda and his cubs should expect tough politics and not the kindergarten politics they were used to.

“I have come out of prison with more determination. I am more focused and more reinvigorated and my mentality is now sharpened, and President Banda should know that I went to prison to prepare that place for him and his cubs because they are obsessed with self-aggrandisement whereby they have placed the police and prisons under their arm pits,” Mpombo said.

“But time has come for Zambians to get rid of this dirty cobweb of leadership of President Banda since his style of leadership is costly and experimental and his (President Banda) sole aim is to involve in hunky punk deals that are benefiting him greatly. But this time around he should expect tough politics and not the kindergarten politics he is used to.”

Mpombo said Zambians would not settle for President Banda’s mediocre leadership.

“Time is up for RB and his gang and we shall give him a good run this time around because we cannot have someone taking over the functions of the police and other state institutions,” said Mpombo.

Mpombo was released on a K2 million bail with two working sureties. He was sentenced to 60 days simple imprisonment and fined K4 million for issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account.

Meanwhile, MMD sources in Kafulafuta Constituency have revealed that President Banda had sent Mpongwe district commissioner Rasford Bulaya to discredit Mpombo among Lamba chiefs that he was not an indigenous Lamba because his father hailed from Luapula.

And several members of the Lamba royal lineage of chief Chiwala have alleged that President Banda has illegally “installed” second secretary at the Zambian High Commission in Kenya Majaliwa Muwaya as the new chief Chiwala when the matter was still pending in court.

Speaking on behalf of other members that came to witness Mpombo’s bail hearing at the Ndola magistrate’s court on Friday, former Kafulafuta Constituency MMD chairman Dexter Chipeso claimed he had evidence that President Banda handed Bulaya the assignment when he went for campaigns in Ndola’s Chifubu constituency recently.

“Let me reveal everything now because they have taken us for granted and want to intimidate us. The President has tasked uyu this Mpongwe D.C. to go round all the 15 Lamba chiefs to discredit Honourable Mpombo that he is not Lamba; he is from Luapula. That’s a joke,” said Chipeso.

“Lambas are matrilineal and Honourable Mpombo’s mother is pure Lamba and has lived in that area since time immemorial. So we wait to see how this desperate move will take them because all the chiefs know who Mpombo is and that is why it has been very difficult for Bulaya to start that campaign. In fact, he merely accepted because the directive came from his boss. Let them deny this I am ready to prove them wrong.”

Efforts to get Bulaya proved futile as all his phone lines were off.

And Chipeso said all tribes came from the ancient Kola region of Congo and wondered where the search for Mpombo’s paternity was coming from. He said people’s feelings were that of a shift from MMD because they knew that they were no longer respected and development had stalled.

“We totally agree with Kalutwa (Mutaba ward councilor in Kafulafuta), they MMD should forget about Copperbelt rural and they are using finished political cocoons like Patrick Zulu former PF Chifubu Constituency chairman and Robert Lwebesha senior chief Mushili’s son,” he said amid approval by the others. “As for Zulu, he has just exchanged his lucky with sadness by crossing from PF to the finished MMD because I can assure you people there have already made up their minds, it’s too late, let 2011 come.”

Chipesho wondered why state owned and government controlled media were referring to Lwebesha as Prince Mushili when he was born outside the palace. He said there was nothing like Prince in Lamba when somebody was not born inside the palace.

“As for this chap calling himself Prince, we know that he is just a money monger. How can MMD trust a person who has changed three parties in a very short period of time? He (Lwebesha) went to UPND but because he lacks principles, he moved to Chipimo’s new party and now MMD. Let them question him on the money they gave him to take his father to Nigeria because he went round collecting money from state institutions, where has the money gone?” he asked.

Meanwhile, sources said Muwaya had illegally been installed as chief Chiwala before the judgment in the dispute is delivered on August 31.

“This man came with three bus loads of his own indunas and retainers to court on 3rd August, the day the judgment was to be delivered and openly boasted that he was more MMD than those challenging his chieftainship and that President Banda had given him blessings because they knew that those opposing where in the same boots with Mpombo,” the source said.

“But you see Muwaya is not in the lineage to be chief and we can read you the petition we have written to Transparency International Zambia to help us investigate something before judgment is delivered because we suspect something fishy.”

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