
Monday, August 16, 2010

Mining companies scale down power consumption as Zesco turn off two generators

Mining companies scale down power consumption as Zesco turn off two generators
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 16 Aug. 2010, 04:01

MINING companies over the weekend scaled down power consumption in non-essential loads to maintain normal production after Zesco shut down two generators at Kafue Gorge Power Station.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC), the major supplier of power to the vast copper mines, said production at all mines remained stable despite the disruption in national power supply. Zesco over the weekend shut down two generators at Kafue Gorge power station to facilitate for maintenance works on generators number one and two.

The shutdown resulted in 330 mega watts knocked out of the national grid.

In an interview, CEC managing director Neil Croucher said mining companies maintained output despite the outage.

“We asked them (mining companies) to cut back on non-essential loads so that hopefully it doesn’t affect production,” said Croucher.
“And so far, production at the mines is normal.”

Zesco senior manager for marketing and public relations Lucy Zimba yesterday said the country had not experienced massive load shedding as most customers adhered to the company’s earlier statement that as many electrical appliances as possible be switched off, particularly during peak hours.

Zesco had shut down of two generators at Kafue Gorge power station from Saturday, August 14 at 21:00 hours to yesterday at 21:00 hours. Kafue Gorge Hydropower station is the country’s biggest power station recently rehabilitated and up-rated to 990 mega watts from the initial installed capacity of 900 mega watts.

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