
Monday, August 16, 2010

SACCORD condemns MMD cadres’ violence

SACCORD condemns MMD cadres’ violence
By Salim Dawood
Mon 16 Aug. 2010, 04:01 CAT

Southern African Center for Constructive Resolution of Dispute (SACCORD) executive director Lee Habasonda says the behavior of MMD cadres during the funeral of late Mpulungu member of Parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo is shameful and disgusting.

Habasonda was commenting on the MMD cadres beating of their party’s Chilanga parliamentarian Ng'andu Magande when he visited Chibomabamilimo's funeral house and the violence that characterised the requiem service at the Seventh Day Adventist church (UNZA) branch in Lusaka.

He said SACCORD was appalled that violence had become a trend at political gatherings and was now extending to funerals.

He said the behaviour of the MMD cadres at the funeral testified the party’s lack of respect for their late member despite their pronouncements that he was a honorable member of their party.

“The behavior is unacceptable and incompatible with both our traditional values as Zambians and to civilised politics. Zambians are known to bury their differences during funerals and mourn in peace and unity, that is why we must be ashamed of the violence that characterised the funeral,” Habasonda said.

He said funerals should be dignified occasions including church premises where requiem services where taking place and therefore turning funeral venues into political battlefields was worrying.

He said no matter how indecent a community was and no matter how much contempt people had for a person that died, the funeral place was the last place to fight and show their disrespect

He said it was unfortunate that young cadres could resort to even harassing and beating up an elderly person like Magande.

“We find it despicable that former Minster of Finance minister Ng'andu Magande was harassed by
young people. As SACCORD we strongly condemn that because no matter how strongly you differ you should not beat up elders especially at funerals,” he said.

He said political leaders were nurturing political hooligans who were potentially able to turn against them and subject them to the same violence if there was a political difference.

“The ones that are orchestrating and commanding violence against people should remember that they are creating a culture of intolerance and bloodshed and that they will be victims of the same violence when they have a political fallout,” he said.

Habasonda demanded that political leaders publicly condemn the violence by their cadres and restrain them form further violence.

He called on political leaders to ensure that party youths and cadres became advocates of peace and tolerance.

MMD cadres last Thursday beat up Magande and stole his phone when he visited the funeral house of Chibombamilimo and they also beat up and injured several PF cadres and a talk time vendor during the requiem service at Roma SDA church (UNZA) branch.

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