
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

(STICKY) (TALKZIMBABWE) US senator introduces Zimbabwe Sanctions Repeal Act

COMMENT - Stunning. See also Swedish ambassador Sten Rylander's recanting on economic sanctions here.

US senator introduces Zimbabwe Sanctions Repeal Act
By: By Philip Murombedzi
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 3:29 am

A UNITED STATES senator has introduced new legislation aimed at lifting illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the United States.

Republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma says Zimbabwe's inclusive Government has made tremendous progress and there was no longer need for the illegal embargo -- the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (or Zidera).

Mr Inhofe, who is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, introduced the Zimbabwe Sanctions Repeal Act of 2010 last week to reverse Zidera.

"This new legislation will lift U.S. economic sanctions originally imposed on the African nation of Zimbabwe in 2001, and restore the country’s economy," read a statement on his website.

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The Senator also revealed that the sanctions were not targeted as the US and Britain wants the world to believe. He revealed that the US had blocked extension of loans, credit or guarantees to Zimbabwe as well as cancellation or reduction of debt owed to the IMF and World Bank.

"In 2001, economic sanctions were imposed against Zimbabwe. ... These sanctions specifically directed the US to oppose and vote against any extension of loans, credit, or guarantees to the Government of Zimbabwe as well as any debt cancellation or reduction owed by the Government of Zimbabwe to the United States or any international financial institution.

Mr Inhofe said it was time to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe as the inclusive Governmenty has introduced "democratic freedoms".

"As a result of a 2008 power-sharing agreement engineered by the Southern African Development Community and the United States, Mugabe remains as President, but opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai holds the post of Prime Minister.

"Under this new government, the Zimbabwe economy is starting to recover and democratic freedoms are reemerging.

"Repealing the 2001 sanctions will allow the Zimbabwe economy to recover fully and assist in its process of transition to democracy."

The Republican Senator added that he hoped Zimbabwe will regain its leading status in the region.

"It is my hope that my legislation will help Zimbabwe return to being called the ‘Breadbasket of Africa’... "

Senator Inhofe has criticised President Barack Obama for what he terms "failure to demonstrate leadership"; especially over the BP disaster.


Meanwhile, outgoing Swedish Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Sten Rylander said yesterday that sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe should be lifted immediately as they are not serving any good.

Mr Rylander said he was saddened to note that the illegal embargo remained in place.

He said a lot of effort was being made both in Europe and the United States to ensure the sanctions were removed.

"A lot of things are happening in different capitals in Brussels, London and Washington because we can’t maintain the so-called sanctions for long. I told the Vice President that I hope that something will happen sooner rather than later," he said.

Mr Rylander said the MDC-T’s disengagement from Government last year was a major setback to negotiations between Zimbabwe and the European Union.

"Last year when Sweden was heading the presidency of EU, I set up a team to deal with this issue. Unfortunately, MDC-T decided to disengage from Government and we lost momentum because we could not have someone from Government to talk to," he said.

Mr Rylander said Zimbabwe was on the right path following the formation of the inclusive Government last year.

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