
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T thugs disrupt Zanu-PF meeting

MDC-T thugs disrupt Zanu-PF meeting
By: TH.
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1:23 am

SUSPECTED armed MDC-T thugs on Monday disrupted a Zanu-PF consultative meeting on the new constitution at Zano Primary School in Masvingo North constituency. They allegedly threatened participants with unspecified action for convening the gathering.

The five suspects, who were armed with a pistol, also allegedly threatened to petrol-bomb Zanu-PF supporters and manhandled the party’s chairman for the area, Cephas Baramasimbe. The meeting was to prepare for a visit by a constitution-making outreach team.

The suspects fled in an MDC-T party vehicle after police were called in.

Masvingo police spokesman Inspector Tineyi Matake yesterday said they were investigating the matter.

"No arrests have been made as yet," he said.

Zanu-PF secretary for social welfare in the Masvingo District Co-ordinating Committee Trinos Chirongoma alleged that the five suspects pulled out a pistol and a petrol bomb.

"They were using a white Isuzu vehicle with an MDC-T logo.

"They ordered us to immediately stop the consultative meeting.

"One of the suspects, who we know as the councillor for Ward 14, had the pistol while one woman was armed with a petrol bomb.

"They told us that there was nothing for us to discuss about the new constitution and only left when they realised we were calling the police," said Chirongoma.

Zanu-PF Masvingo DCC chairman Cde Trust Mugabe said it was disheartening that some political parties were trying to disrupt the constitution-making process.

"We are appealing to the police to arrest all thoose who perpetrate violence."

MDC-T Masvingo district chairman Mr Admore Charirwe denied the allegations.

"There is nothing like that and if there was anything I would have heard about it as the district chairman," he said.

MDC-T has always alleged that Zanu-PF supporters attack them and last week the party’s claims of violence in Bikita during the constitution-making process were dismissed by the Masvingo Provincial Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee.

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