
Monday, September 13, 2010

Chief Nalubamba calls for strengthened traditional structures

Chief Nalubamba calls for strengthened traditional structures
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 12 Sep. 2010, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS can make governance and development a lot easier and cheaper by strengthening traditional structures below the district level, senior chief Bright Nalubamba of the Ila people of Namwala district has observed.

In an interview, chief Nalubamba said it was for this reason that people in his chiefdom believed that any developing country and its people could benefit a lot by properly and effectively utilising traditional leaders in governance and development.

“Zambia’s progress and development needs a strong chiefdom and a strong village. And these solid foundations are ones Mbeza is trying to build for a better and strong Zambia,” chief Nalubamba said.

He said Mbeza had a development and administrative strategy which strives or tries to drive communities from dependence to self-reliance.

“This programme or this governance and development struggle is backed by Mbeza’s capacity to make and develop annual operational plans out of their five-year strategic development plan. And, this is the programme our colleagues from Malawi came to see. They were very excited from what they saw and heard. We invite the government to show greater interest as government is one of the prominent stakeholders in this development initiative as our key role is merely to supplement the government efforts,” he said.

Chief Nalubamba said the visit by chiefs from Malawi during the launch of Mbeza programme was an excellent exchange of ideas.

“It gave us the inspiration and motivation we require to continue with the struggle; and we think our Malawian counterparts went back within our indelible impression. It was not expected, but it was historical again, we thank Women for Change in Zambia and the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace of Malawi for sending a delegation of eight distinguished traditional leaders from Malawi to Mbeza chiefdom for idea sharing,” said chief Nalubamba.

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