
Monday, September 13, 2010

(ZIMDAILY) Tensions rise in MDC-M faction

Tensions rise in MDC-M faction
By RadioVOP
Published: September 9, 2010

ZIMBABWE-HARARE-The indications by the secretary general of the smaller faction of Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-M) Professor Welshman Ncube that he might want to campaign for the presidency in the next party elective congress has created divisions which threaten to split the party in Masvingo.

Professor Ncube who is no longer eligible to be reelected as the party’s secretary general early next year has recently indicated that he might challenge the hired leader Professor Arthur Mutambara.

As the preparation for the congress gains momentum in Masvingo, party supporters have started to blackmail each other for supporting either Mutambara or Ncube.

Radio VOP was reliably informed that top provincial members can no longer see eye to eye because of the tensions created by
Ncube’s indications.

“There is chaos in the party as we speak. There is a danger of a split of the party because already top members can no longer
see eye to eye,” said party official who preferred anonymity.

MDC-M national chairman Joebert Mudzumwe could neither deny nor accept that there party is faced by imminent split due to the tension between the two professors.

“Its not official, no one is fighting each other in our party. Who said we are fighting, I think they are exaggerating,” said

Masvingo provincial chairman and ex-soldier Robson Mashiri refused to comment saying he was very busy with Constitutional Parliamentary Committee (COPAC) business.

“I don’t want to be disturbed. I am busy with COPAC right now. What does our fighting has to do with newspapers?’ asked Mashiri before switching off his mobile.

However, sources in the party insisted that the situation in Masvingo is a true mirror image of what is happening in all provinces.

Sources say Ncube is being given green light by members who are anti Mutambara.

“It is true; there is a real danger of further split. People are just fed up by Mutambara and they want to give Ncube a chance. However, Ncube is still testing the waters but from the look of things, he might win at the end of the day,” said the source.

Supporters in Masvingo once demanded that he (Mutambara) be fired after showering praises on President Mugabe early this year.

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