
Monday, September 06, 2010

Citizens Forum thanks Mabenga for confirming

Citizens Forum thanks Mabenga for confirming
By Patson Chilemba
Mon 06 Sep. 2010, 04:10 CAT

CITIZENS Forum executive director Simon Kabanda has thanked MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga for confirming that the government exerts pressure on the judiciary to pass judgments in their favour.

Commenting on Mabenga’s statement that Chilanga MMD member of parliament Ng’andu Magande could not have won elections without help from the government and that he won through a court ruling, Kabanda said Mabenga had confirmed that the MMD had been rigging elections and used the courts to secure judgments in their favour.

“That has been our worry. The experience has shown that they rig elections in various ways and this is the more reason why many results are not acceptable,” Kabanda said.

“Now when people don’t petition those results it does not mean that they have accepted. It is just that they are not happy with the outcome of the court processes.”

Kabanda said Mabenga’s statement showed that only those on the side of MMD could win court cases.

“We are happy for the revelation by Mabenga because he has revealed what they have been doing to influence the processes of the court. There are many times that elections have been petitioned,” he said.

“We have an example of the MMD petitioning the Mufumbwe election. That case has been taken in an express way, very quickly. Other petitions that come from other political parties don’t take the speed that the petition against the Mufumbwe by-election has taken.”

Kabanda said Mabenga had confirmed people’s fears and that was the more reason why there were calls for a proper separation of powers.

He said it was a pity that the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) disappointed the nation on the issue of separation of powers.

“The ruling party exerts pressure on the judiciary, and this is the more reason why we need to call for proper separation of powers,” said Kabanda.

Mabenga last week cited Magande as an example of those who were claiming to have massive support from their areas.

“People like Magande could not have won elections in Chilanga without the help from government. Magande had won through a court ruling,” said Mabenga.

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