
Monday, September 06, 2010

Patrick’s decision to stand in Kafulafuta will be betrayal - Mpombo

Patrick’s decision to stand in Kafulafuta will be betrayal - Mpombo
By Kombe Chimpinde
Mon 06 Sep. 2010, 14:00 CAT

EXPELLED MMD Kafulafuta member of parliament, George Mpombo, has described as betrayal late president Levy Mwanawasa’s son Patrick’s declared intention to stand in Kafulafuta on the MMD party ticket.

And Patrick has said he would make his intentions to stand public after all legal issues or possible challenging of Saturday’s MMD National Executive Committee decision to expel Mpombo and his Chilanga counterpart, Ngande Magande are resolved.

Meanwhile, MMD’s acting spokesperson Dora Siliya, has confirmed that the party has written to the Speaker of the National Assembly declaring Mpombo and Magande’s seats vacant.

Commenting on Patrick’s decision to stand in Kafulafuta, Mpombo said late president’s son was too young for him to go into a verbal shootout with.

“It is the centre of betrayal but I want to assure him that as far as am concerned Patrick is too young for me. I will not go into a verbal shootout with him,” he said.
“Since he has decided let the public judge his conduct against mine. I would love to stress that Patrick is not a factor in Kafulafuta.”

He, however, said Patrick like any other Zambian had a constitutional right to contest any seat.

And late president Mwanawasa’s wife, Maureen, told Post Online in an interview that Patrick had not yet broken the news to the family officially over his position to contest the Kafulafuta constituency seat.

She said that though Patrick was yet to inform the family officially he was an adult and also in a position to make personal decisions.

“…well, we have not sat to talk about it as a family because am not staying with him. However he is an adult and therefore he should be able to make decisions on his own,” she said.

“You talk to him he will tell you that we haven't discussed as a family.”

Patrick confirmed in an interview that he had not yet broken the news to the family as he was waiting for the matter to be exhausted.

“I haven’t spoken to the family yet because am told these guys(Magande and Mpombo) will appeal. So I will break the news officially when the appeal cases are over,” he said.

Patrick had on Saturday expressed hope of the MMD adopting him in the Kafulafuta Constituency following the expulsion of his uncle former defence minister, Mpombo.

And Mpombo has warned works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti that it would be politically suicidal for him to stand in Kafulafuta.

Commenting on the continued talk of Mulongoti eying the same seat, Mpombo said that if it is true it is going to be suicidal for him.

“Firstly, who is Mulongoti? I tell you it will be suicidal on his part if these rumours are true because Mulongoti has lost credibility in Lufwanyama where he comes from,” he warned.

“I have never had characteristics of a coward. I take rational decisions and I don't need to prove my popularity to political lumpens.”

Meanwhile, Siliya at a press briefing today announced that the MMD has written to Speaker of the National Assembly declaring the two seats vacant.

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