Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mpombo, Magande expulsions shows that MMD is un-democratic - Katuka

Mpombo, Magande expulsions shows that MMD is un-democratic - Katuka
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 07 Sep. 2010, 04:00 CAT

Opposition UPND Mwinilunga parliamentarian, Stephen Katuka, has said the expulsion of MMD's Chilanga member of parliament N’gandu Magande and his Kafulafuta counterpart, George Mpombo, proves that the party is totally undemocratic.

In an interview with Post Online, Katuka said the expulsion of the two parliamentarians who have been valuable members is an indication that the MMD has lost ground and that it is an undemocratic party.

“We all know that the only reason why those two were chased was because they expressed their intentions of challenging Rupiah Banda at the MMD's National Convention which is their democratic right,” he said.

“This must open the eyes of Zambians. They have seen for themselves now that there is no democracy in MMD. They don’t want anyone to challenge someone who was just poached from UNIP.”

Katuka said the behaviour that the ruling party has exhibited against people who wanted to challenge President Banda was not good on a wider perspective and was a dent on Zambia's young.

He also observed that the MMD had to ensure that Mpombo “was dealt with” just to make sure President Banda went unopposed.

“Mpombo has been a victim of the MMD evil schemes since he made his intentions known to challenge President Banda at the coming convention ,” he said.

“..there is a possibility that even his case of bouncing a cheque which led to him been sentenced was politically motivated as Lucy Changwe Gender deputy Minister who committed the same case is still walking freely in the streets of Lusaka,” he said.

He also observed that the selective prosecution of cases by the Director of Prosecutions was dangerous for the country.

Katuka observed that Zambians were watching and that time was coming when Zambians would stand up and hold the MMD accountable.

“The MMD can push Zambians to a certain level but not beyond. It is not right, people must be free to express themselves, of course it's not only us that are watching, Zambians are watching what is happening,” Katuka reminded.

He further said the UPND would use the expulsion as a campaign tool as it exposes the dictatorial tendencies of the MMD's top leadership.

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