Sunday, September 05, 2010

Mpombo responds to expulsion: No problem, I’m game

Mpombo responds to expulsion: No problem, I’m game
By Patson Chilemba and Joseph Mwenda
Sun 05 Sep. 2010, 04:00 CAT

And MMD NEC member Bates Namuyamba told his colleagues during the meeting that they are operating illegally because their mandate ended in July this year.

Reacting to his expulsion from the MMD during yesterday’s NEC meeting at State House, Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta member of parliament, said he was not scared over the decision to expel him. He said the decision was welcome because it would give him an opportunity to discuss issues more effectively.

“No problem, no problem. I am game, absolutely game,” Mpombo said in an interview yesterday.

He said the decision to expel him from the party was outrageous, unjustifiable and undemocratic.

Mpombo said the decision was a blemish on the image of the party.

“But I am not scared. I will be making an appropriate response as soon as I get their letters. But it is a welcome development. I am no longer in the national bondage of MMD. I have been prepared for this kind of reaction, and so it does not come to me as a surprise,” he said.

On the statement by President Rupiah Banda that the party did not have sufficient funds to hold a national convention, Mpombo said President Banda was not a leader, adding that the MMD could easily mobilise funds for the convention.

“How does he claim that he hasn’t got the money when his wife is going round distributing millions of kwacha? He wants to dilly-dally in order to create a stronger position for his re-election. He is trying to get rid of people that can challenge him so that he can have his own way,” Mpombo said.

“The man is very crafty, very sly. Indeed the mandate expired some time back. Even him he is acting as president illegally.”

Mpombo said according to the MMD constitution, President Banda should seek the confirmation of the convention to remain as party president. Efforts to reach Magande failed as his phone went unanswered.

Highly placed MMD sources disclosed that Mpombo and Magande were expelled because of what they termed as indiscipline and bringing the President and the party into public ridicule.

The sources said although the issue to expel the duo from the party was fifth on the agenda, it was tackled first just after the welcome remarks.
The sources said those who voiced their support in favour of the expulsion included President Banda, MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga, Kaunda Lembalemba and party Copperbelt chairperson Joseph Chilambwe, among others.

According to the sources, Namuyamba differed with President Banda over the convention.

“Bates just emphasized that ‘although we are here our mandate finished in July. We don’t even know what we are doing here, so we should be exemplary in the manner we manage our affairs’,” one of the sources said.

The sources said Namuyamba was against the idea of holding the MMD convention next year. They disclosed that President Banda who supported the idea of holding the convention next year responded to Namuyamba’s remarks.

“The President asked him ‘so what do you want us to do? You know the problems that are there’. The President said there was the issue of money and the issue organs had not finished elections,” the source said.

In response, Namuyamba said: “I still insist, whether money or no money, we should show leadership. We have held elections in the rainy season before.”
The sources said when President Banda insisted to the contrary, Namuyamba just said he had thrown in the towel.

The sources also said tourism minister Catherine Namugala asked NEC members to follow up on the “good work” first lady Thandiwe Banda did during her recent campaign trail of Northern and Luapula provinces.
NEC member Evelyn Mwanawasa said the MMD members should use the forthcoming national census to campaign.

“She said our people should be going door to door during the census. It will be another form of campaign for us,” said the source. “But President Banda said that was a good idea. But we were not in charge of that.”

Those who attended the meeting included Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mutale Nalumango, science and technology minister Dr Brian Chituwo and President Banda. Notable absentees included Chongwe member of parliament Sylvia Masebo, works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti and Magande.

And MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya confirmed Mpombo and Magande’s expulsion from the party.

“The MMD wishes to inform the nation that at the NEC meeting, a decision was made to withdraw the support and privileges given to the member of parliament in Kafulafuta, that is Honourable George Mpombo as well as Mr Ng’andu Magande,” Siliya said.

“The NEC decision was to withdraw the support of those members of parliament because we do not wish these members to represent us, therefore expelling them too from the party.”

Siliya said the decision to expel the duo from the party had already been communicated to Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa.

“For Kafulafuta, the decision was made after the failure by Mpombo to effectively defend himself in terms of accusations made to him that he was bringing the name of the party into disrepute and making disparaging remarks to the President and the party through various media,” Siliya explained.

“And in the blanket response provided, we still felt that as a party there was still a case to withdraw the membership of Mr Mpombo.

For Honourable Magande, efforts were made, if he was remorseful in terms of his behaviour… and after much deliberation it has been quite clear that Mr Magande is not a desirable member of the MMD. Because of these issues in terms of contravening our party regulations, the MMD has therefore decided to withdraw the membership of Mr Magande as well.”

When asked on the chances of the MMD retaining the two seats, Siliya said it was too early to start looking at elections. Siliya said what was paramount was that the disciplinary issue at hand had been dealt with.

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