Monday, September 27, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) The anti-land reform cookie crumbles

COMMENT - Excellent point. You then have to wonder whether the agricultural sector is the only one that is profitable under this post-landreform economy.

The anti-land reform cookie crumbles
By: SuperT
Posted: Monday, September 27, 2010 2:29 am

DEAR EDITOR - While I agree with Dr Tafataona Mahoso's piece entitled "Terror beneath Tendai Biti's jumping figures on the economy" 100 percent, I believe he has overlooked Zanu PF's foresightedness in keeping the neo-colonial agents in check.

Dr Mahoso has not given Zanu PF due credit for keeping the enemy exposed at bay. Zanu PF rightfully demanded and got control of the key productive ministries; agriculture and mining which are the key economic drivers.

By so doing Zanu PF ring fenced Honourable Biti in that he cannot afford to lie to people because the statistics from those sectors are not under his control and hence he cannot manipulate them as they are manned by ministers from Zanu PF.

This has put Mr Biti in a 'Catch 22' situation in that if he blatantly lies to the nation the contradicting situation on the ground will prove too detrimental to his political career, hence the numerous, unprecedented growth revisions by the minister.

That is to say the Inclusive Government has the necessary balances and checks that will expose Mr Biti's shenanigans.

That point grows in importance when you consider the fact that the President is the Chair of the Finance Committe to which Mr Biti reports. So Mr Biti can lie, but he will be stopped right in his own tracks.

Zanu PF has always precisely argued that: 'The land is the economy and the economy is the land'.

Zanu PF is being vindicated by none other than Mr Biti himself - their chief arch-enemy and antagonist within the government.

Mr Biti is in a very real quandary and he will sink deeper in the coming months as agriculture, driven by the much maligned Africans, reclaims its rightful place in the national economy and send prophets of doom sprawling for cover.

Here comes the fruits of Chimurenga 2. With President Mugabe's foresightedness, we can never go wrong.

Let us not lose track of the big picture. The anti-land reclamation cookie is crumbling right under Mr Biti's nose. More is to come. Keep your eyes on the ball. Watch this space.

Ndatenda Hangu/ Siyabonga

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