
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Envoy urges Zim farmers to emulate Zambia

COMMENT - A LOT needs to be done for agriculture in both countries. FISP is no substitute for having a comprehensive plan for supporting agriculture. Zambia needs to tax it's mines to it can build irrigation works, roads, silos, and all the infrastructure of agriculture, without borrowing and going into debt.

Envoy urges Zim farmers to emulate Zambia
Posted: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:51 am

ZIMBABWEAN High Commissioner to Zambia Lovemore Mazemo sais Zimbabwe should learn from Zambia's Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) which he said has led to increased food production in that country. Mr Mazemo said the FISP has proved to be a better way of improving and increasing food security for its consumption as well as for export.

Speaking in an interview in Mkushi, Zambia at the weekend, Mr Mazemo said Zimbabwe was also implementing the FISP and called on farmers in both countrie to make use of the initiative and increase their crop production.

Mr Mazemo said Zimbabwe had taken keen interest in the implementation of the FISP by the Zambian Government which has led to recording of a bumper harvest this season.

"We feel that the FISP is an important tool to increasing crop production this is evident with the recording of a bumper harvest by Zambia.

"Zimbabwe is also implementing the same programme and it is my hope that our farmers will take this very seriously, "he said.

He said the Zimbabwean government will continue to exchange ways of improving its agriculture sector as well as sharing views on how to develop various sector for the betterment of the two countries.

He cited the construction of silos by Zimbabwean farmers in Mkushi area which he said is an indication of its commitment to working as a team in developing the sector.

He said African countries would do well in supporting each other in various sectors of the economy and that there is need to embrace and support each other all the time if African countries has to regain economic freedom.

Meanwhile, Mr Mazemo said Zambia and Zimbabwe would continue to find ways of addressing some challenges been faced at Chirundu Border.

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