
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) New kind of politics needed

New kind of politics needed
By: Comment
Posted: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2:52 am

LAURELS to Sekai Holland for recently illuminating the need for a more united Zimbabwe, free from tribal divisions and tribal hatred, and racial division. She recently told an online media outlet that the days of violence and extreme polarisation should be ended; as her ministry, of National Healing and Reconciliation takes the onerous task of uniting a divided and traumatised nation.

Kudos to such leadership free from the divisive and extremely dogmatic leadership we have seen in the recent past.

Zimbabweans have been burdened with the repercussions of colonial oppression, and the self-appointed, racist rulers who never ceased to seize upon any opportunity to blame Blacks and all Africans for all the ills of their own making.

We are now in a New Dawn, where despite these differences, we can move forward as a nation, as Zimbabweans of any colour or creed.

That needs leadership. Dwelling in the past only recreates that violent past and thwarts progress.

Zimbabwe will either step into a meaningful economic and political role in a multipolar world, or will have merely a walk-on role, forced to follow others' lead.

In other words, will we drive the agenda, or become a subsidiary of a process driven and shaped elsewhere?

We need pragmatic leaders who can take a path towards social justice, peace and equality for us all. We need a new kind of politics based on a nationalistic agenda.

We have to respect our sovereignty, our struggles, our resources and our right to self-determination; but remembering that we have to be at peace with our neighbours. Our relations with other nations should not be parasitic, but mutually beneficial.

It is about an entire attitude of mind. This is what will make the difference between a prosperous Zimbabwe and one that will always look for episodes in the past to draw inspiration from, than to create new episodes today.

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