
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Anglican priest calls for more red cards

Anglican priest calls for more red cards
By Misheck Wangwe
Tue 02 Nov. 2010, 04:02 CAT

AN Anglican priest Fr Richard Luonde has said Zambians must continue flashing red cards at President Rupiah Banda and the MMD leadership for failing the nation.

And Fr Luonde has called on Zambians to begin evaluating political leaders ahead of next year’s presidential elections and identify who could lead the country to prosperity.

In an interview, Fr Luonde said all well-meaning Zambians must focus on saving the integrity and moral values of the nation by showing the MMD a red card because it was full of dishonest people who had continued to manipulate the poor majority.

He said President Banda had left many people hopeless because of his failure to uphold the country’s integrity.

Fr Luonde said it was sad to note that corruption and outright theft under President Banda were perceived as normal, and prominent individuals with such cases were walking freely on the streets and making noise in the political arena.

He said flashing red cards was the only demonstration to President Banda and the MMD that Zambians wanted to see positive change and morality in the governance of the nation.

President Banda recently complained that people were flashing red cards at him. “Why shouldn’t they flash red cards when it was clear that he has failed the nation in many areas? The fight against corruption is no more; he is busy shielding thieves, people with divergent views are being persecuted despite Zambia being a democracy. What kind of society does he want to create for us? They (President Banda and the MMD) deserve nothing but a red card,” Fr Luonde said.

He said it was the duty of every Zambian to ensure that people holding government power were serving the interests of the people, adding that selfish leaders should not be allowed to form the next government.

And Fr Luonde has called on Zambians to begin evaluating political leaders and identify who could lead the country to prosperity.

He said it was unfortunate that under President Banda the country had seen politics of tyranny and selective dispensation of justice where those that criticised him were met with persecution.

Fr Luonde said such leadership necessitated flashing of red cards by the general citizenry as a way of expressing their distaste with the manner in which government was handling national affairs.

He said there was nothing wrong with people flashing red cards at the MMD leadership because it was not about removing the sitting government but expressing their displeasure with the way national affairs were being run.

Fr Luonde said the country was in need of leaders who would serve God’s people with undoubted commitment and sacrifice.

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