
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Stop lying, C/belt PF advises Rupiah

Stop lying, C/belt PF advises Rupiah
By Kabanda Chulu
Tue 02 Nov. 2010, 04:01 CAT

THE Patriotic Front (PF) has advised President Rupiah Banda to stop telling lies about developmental programmes in rural parts of the Copperbelt Province. But Lufwanyama MMD chairman Moses Chiyuka asked the people not to politicise visible developmental programmes in the country.

Reacting to President Banda’s statement at the Chabalankata traditional ceremony of the Lamba people that there was every reason for Zambians to have hope for the future since his government was building up on various projects including those initiated by late president Levy Mwanawasa, Copperbelt PF vice youth secretary George Sichula said President Banda was wrongly advised.

“It is a lie and put in black and white, and the problem with President Banda is that he does not mix with people on the ground and those fake advisors are misleading him because they see things and tell him different stories. For instance, President Banda has never been to Lufwanyama, and how many times have people complained about the state of Kalengwa-Kalulushi road and many other roads?” Sichula asked.

“Imagine this government has decided to speed up construction works for a prison and a police station, does it imply that people here are criminals? In fact people are furious and they want President Banda to come and point at those projects which his government is claiming to have done because development is simply not here.”

Masaiti district PF chairman Stardy Mwale challenged the MMD government to stop telling lies and build a hospital in Masaiti since people were walking to the nearest hospital over 50 kilometres St Theresa Mission at Ibenga in Mpongwe.
“The MMD government is claiming that by January 2011 there will be a hospital here but these are lies since nothing is happening and building plans were drawn many years ago,” Mwale said. “People here want roads leading to markets for their produce and imagine, this area is rich in emeralds and various precious metals but government has just failed to develop it; and come 2011, people have made up their minds and the MMD is on its way out.”

He said it was disappointing that the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) had not paid farmers who were now experiencing financial challenges despite delivering their produce.

“… Masaiti will experience hunger because the planting season is near but farmers can’t plant and farmers are concerned that they will not receive inputs for failing to pay cooperative annual membership fees,” said Mwale.
But Chiyuka said developmental projects being undertaken by the government were visible in Copperbelt rural and the country in general.

“It is a false story especially here in Lufwanyama. Government has done so much; for example, we have a new boarding high school which is almost complete and construction of the district hospital has entered phase two; and there are various projects being undertaken such as construction of prisons and police station, council houses and offices for the district health management and district education officials are under construction and for the Kalengwa road, government assured that the road will be tarred starting from 2011,” said Chiyuka. “So we find no reason why our colleagues should politicise developmental activities that are visible for everyone to see.”

Officiating at the Chabalankata ceremony of senior chief Mushili, President Banda assured that the government would achieve education for all through construction and upgrading of schools at Katanino, Kankoshi, Muwaya, Misapa and Nkambo.

President Banda said construction of Masaiti and Masangano boarding high schools would be completed soon while feeder roads were also being worked on.

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