
Monday, November 08, 2010

Rupiah has U-turned on his campaign promises, says Fr Chibuye

Rupiah has U-turned on his campaign promises, says Fr Chibuye
By Chibaula Silwamba
Mon 08 Nov. 2010, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has U-turned on his campaign promises and does not care about the welfare of his people, Mpika Catholic Church’s Fr Patrick Chibuye has charged. Commenting on President Banda’s two years in office, Fr Chibuye said the head of state did not keep his word on various issues he promised Zambians.

“There has been a big U-turn of Rupiah Banda. He has not continued where late president Levy Mwanawasa left,” Fr Chibuye said.

“He promised that he will act in accordance with people’s demands not to increase the salaries for constitutional office holders but immediately he came to power he signed the bills effecting the increment of salaries for constitutional office holders which included his salary.”

He said President Banda had promised to fully recapitalise Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) but had not done so to date.

Fr Chibuye said President Banda went against the wishes of the majority citizens on the sale of Zamtel.

He said President Banda, during his campaigns, kept saying he wanted to keep the legacy of Mwanawasa but had failed to keep his word.

Fr Chibuye said President Banda had compromised the fight against corruption, a fight he supported during Mwanawasa’s presidency.

“There is a turn in the fight against corruption as exemplified by his government’s refusal to appeal against the acquittal of former president Frederick Chiluba and the throwing of the London High Court judgment,” Fr Chibuye said.

“The removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Act of 1996, for me, is giving a leeway to office bearers to do whatever they want in the use of public resources. There would be no one to ask them to explain and justify why they are doing what they are doing because they are protected.”

He said there had generally been lack of commitment in the fight against corruption.
“The only continuity is on the NCC, which has produced questionable results,” he observed. “There is no clear roadmap from this government on the way forward on the constitution-making process.”
Fr Chibuye said over the last two years, President Banda had not been democratic.
He noted that there was no internal democracy within the MMD, which was slowly affecting democracy at national level, during President Banda’s rule.

“Since he came into office, he wanted to continue as President for another term but I expected him to call for the convention within the MMD and not relying on the NEC National Executive Committee but he has kept quiet on this democratic event,” Fr Chibuye said.

“It will be better for him to take a bold decision and test his popularity within the party by calling for a convention ahead of next year’s elections. There are already wrangles within the MMD, with some saying ‘he is a capable leader’ while others are saying ‘no’.”

He said the only way for President Banda to prove his popularity in the MMD would be for the party to hold a convention.

“There it will be tested and this will reflect and promote democracy,” Fr Chibuye said.
He said the President should be very objective in his dealings.

Fr Chibuye also denounced President Banda’s arrogance on the mining taxes.
“His attitude that he doesn’t care and no more questioning of removal of windfall tax, is retrogressive. He is a President who does not care about the welfare of his people. The wealth of his country is taken away by other people,” Fr Chibuye observed.

“It is unfortunate that we the owners of the minerals are the ones who are suffering; the foreigners are becoming rich almost daily, they have externalized the Zambian wealth.”

He also observed that there was no equality in the administration of justice under President Banda’s two-year rule.

Fr Chibuye said President Banda had promoted two sets of laws.

“One for those in his government and the other for those in opposition – be it the Church or other leaders. For example, the arrest of Kafulafuta parliamentarian George Mpombo for bouncing a cheque while gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe went scot-free for committing the same offence,” Fr Chibuye said.

He said although President Banda’s administration had scored on economic indicators that were showing positive growth of the economy, the impact was not being felt by the poor, saying the only way Zambians would appreciate the economic growth would be when they benefit from it.

“Under his reign, we have also seen political violence and culprits are not prosecuted,” said Fr Chibuye. “He needs people who can truly advise him because sometimes people that surround him are cheating him.”

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