
Monday, November 08, 2010

Threats won’t help solve Barotse problems - Sata

Threats won’t help solve Barotse problems - Sata
By George Chellah
Mon 08 Nov. 2010, 04:02 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata has said issuing endless threats to the young people of Barotseland who are expressing their frustrations will not help matters. In an interview yesterday, Sata said what was happening with the young people in Barotseland was unfortunate.

“All these activities are results of deep frustrations arising from a failure of national leadership. Issuing endless threats to these young people who are expressing their frustrations will not help matters. What is needed is leadership over the issues that are causing this frustration among our young people from Barotseland and other parts of our country,” Sata said.

“As I have said before, there is no one person who can govern this country effectively from Lusaka. There is need for elements of the Barotse Agreement to be used to help improve traditional and national governance in Barotseland and in our country in general.”

Sata said there was need for the Litunga, chiefs and Indunas in Barotseland to be made to play a meaningful role in addressing the problems facing their people.

“The Litunga governed Barotseland efficiently from time immemorial. And the many tribes of Barotseland lived happily together under the Litunga’s leadership. That system has been undermined and today nothing of substance is happening in this important part of our country,” Sata said.

“The only way to address the frustrations of these young people is to improve on the leadership. There is no way these young people who are supposed to be beneficiaries of the great leadership legacy of King Lewanika can accept this mediocrity in leadership being offered by Mr Rupiah Banda and his friends.”

Sata said the young people of Barotseland needed hope and empowerment.

“The PF government will address these problems once and for all by embracing the vision of King Lewanika and restore the hope that has been lost by these young people who feel marginalised because of lack of jobs in Barotseland. With jobs and money in their pockets, these frustrations will end,” Sata said.

“What these young people want is a future that is bright and not threats from Mr Banda. These young people are not after cessation. They are after a better Barotseland integrated in our national development and a better Zambia for all. And there is nothing to fear about the Barotse Agreement.”

Sata called upon the young people of Barotseland to calm down.

“This country doesn’t belong to Banda. Banda is going next year and it is their duty to ensure that he goes using a democratic process so that they can have the opportunity to participate in a different way in the governance of the country and address all these problems. Let them come and work with us in the PF and strengthen our great national Patriotic Front,” said Sata.

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