Monday, December 27, 2010

‘Shimpundu Pankoloko’ accuses Mulongoti of intimidation

‘Shimpundu Pankoloko’ accuses Mulongoti of intimidation
By Speedwell Mupuchi in Kitwe
Mon 27 Dec. 2010, 04:01 CAT

MMD’s Alex Mubanga aka Shimpundu Pankoloko has complained of intimidation from Mike Mulongoti over his support for George Kunda’s candidature for the party vice-presidency. But Mulongoti said he did not threaten Mubanga but merely advised him to keep quiet since he was on suspension.

In an interview, Mubanga said following his statement supporting Vice-President Kunda, MMD elections chairman Mulongoti phoned him in the morning to tell him that his mouth would land him in problems.

“He Mulongoti phoned me, telling me that ‘your mouth will cause problems for you; you are too fast on certain issues and some issues are above you’,” complained Mubanga on Friday.

Mulongoti, Webby Chipili, Enoch Kavindele, Vice-President Kunda and Captain Austin Chewe have been named among those interested in the position of MMD vice-president at the convention next year.

Mubanga complained that he felt threatened by Mulongoti’s words.

He wondered why he should be warned over his support of what he termed the right and suitable candidate.

Mubanga said the other contestants were sending emissaries to canvass support for them at provincial conferences while Vice-President Kunda was busy with national duties.

“I felt very uncomfortable with my elder brother Honourable Mulongoti. His name has been mentioned among the contestants. This amounts to intimidation. According to the party tradition, we follow the incumbency; the President gets the MMD presidency and his vice, the vice-presidency,” said Mubanga.

Mubanga said his support of Vice-President Kunda was out of principle and he could not change his position.

When contacted for comment, Mulongoti asked whether or not Mubanga had talked about the background to the issue.

“Shimpundu called me sometime back; he wanted to contest in the current elections. He wanted me to plead for him because he’s been on suspension. I told him ‘calm down, you are on suspension’, till time comes. His friend, Morgan Ntankula, came to my office this morning over Shimpundu’s statement and I advised him to call him,” Mulongoti said.

“So his friend was counselling him to keep quiet and not issue statements since he was still on suspension. At the end of their conversation, that’s when I said ‘bring the phone so that I can also talk to him’.

I told him Mubanga that 'even before your suspension is lifted, you are issuing statements. Please, how are we going to help you in your matter?'

If he thinks I threatened him, that’s his problem. I was merely helping to counsel him.

He was suspended last time for the same reason; I think he issued some statements that annoyed the President. I said 'you are still on suspension on account of your careless talk’.”

And Copperbelt youth vice-chairperson Ntankula said Mubanga would only be free to comment on party matters when his suspension is lifted.

“We told him to keep quiet as at now until his matter is resolved. When he is cleared, he is a free man afterwards to comment on any matters concerning the party. He knows the rules of the game. Why should we threaten him?” said Ntankula.

Mubanga said he appealed to Mulongoti to facilitate the lifting of his suspension.

“They declared an amnesty but for me they said my matter is before the President.

Now when you say ‘akanwa kobe kakakuletelela, suppose the person you are supporting loses an election, will you not be creating enemies?’ what does that mean?” asked Mubanga.

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