
Saturday, December 25, 2010

US Embassy refutes Times story on Sata

US Embassy refutes Times story on Sata
By Maluba Jere
Sat 25 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE US Embassy in Zambia has distanced itself from a Times of Zambia story where the American Intelligence is quoted as having said Michael Sata is too weak for President Rupiah Banda.

The US Embassy’s comments come in the wake of a story where the American Intelligence sources allegedly disputed the Economist Intelligence Unit latest report on a tight race between President Banda and Sata in next year’s elections.

In a press statement released on Thursday, US embassy public affairs officer Priscilla Hernandez said her government had no preference for any candidate for any elected position.

Hernandez said the embassy was aware of the story published in the Times of Zambia based on opinions expressed by unidentified sources that were not verified by the embassy.

She said the US government respected the sovereign right of the Zambian people to conduct free and fair elections.

“We work with the Electoral Commission of Zambia and all political parties to promote a credible election process that is free of violence and reflects the will of the Zambian people,” she said. “Further, we expect the candidates to respect the outcomes of that process.”

Hernandez urged the media to maintain high professional standards of news reporting by diligently confirming the veracity of their sources in a responsible manner consistent with international standards.

She said for journalists to do otherwise would be contrary to democratic principles, saying that undermined efforts aimed at solving shared problems on the basis of mutual respect and responsibility.

“The United States stands steadfast with the Zambian people who deserve credible news sources for information on national and international matters,” said Hernandez.

According to the story in the Times of Zambia, the American Intelligence sources said the Economic Intelligence Unit concentrated on European interests and their view of developments in Zambia.
The sources said the UPND and the PF pact had become too fragile to mount a serious challenge to the MMD. The sources said there were more donors not represented by the Economic Intelligence Unit who were more interested in maintaining the status quo because President Banda’s character gave more assurance for world security.

It alleged that the American Intelligence sources made the remarks following a story published in The Post where the Economic Intelligence Unit report stated that Zambia’s 2011 elections were likely to be closely contested between President Banda and Sata.

The report’s outlook for 2011-2012 indicated that President Banda and the ruling party would remain in power until the next presidential and parliamentary elections in 2011.

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