
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Violence is William’s trademark - Kazabu

Violence is William’s trademark - Kazabu
By Florence Bupe
Sat 25 Dec. 2010, 03:58 CAT

LUXON Kazabu says political violence will continue for as long as the government insists on working with people like Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda. In an interview, Kazabu, a former Kitwe mayor, said the country’s democracy had regressed because of leaders who had dictatorial tendencies.

“This year, we have seen an ugly development in the form of political violence and this is unfortunate because we are supposed to be a civilised society. But what do you expect when you have people like William Banda whose trademark is violence?” Kazabu said.

He said the country had been drawn back to the governing systems of the one-party state, in which opposing views were not tolerated.

“That kind of behaviour is unacceptable in this day and age. Democracy will only thrive with divergent input, but how can we achieve this when others are being slaughtered?” he asked.
Kazabu said there was need for the political leadership to change its approach if the country’s democracy was to thrive.

And Kazabu said the year 2010 had been disappointing for most Zambians because of various negative developments in the country’s governance.

He said the constitution-making process failed to meet the aspirations of the majority of Zambians.
“The expectations and aspirations of the people have once again been frustrated and betrayed. For instance, critical provisions such as the 50 per cent plus one clause have been left out,” Kazabu said.

“This implies that after next year’s elections, we will still go back to questioning the legitimacy of a president elected by minority votes.”

Kazabu also said the judiciary had proved that it practised double standards in the dispensation of its duties.

“We are still grappling with the shock of the Mufumbwe judgment. There are other similar cases that have been dragging on,” Kazabu said. “Government is managing this country like Animal Farm, where some animals are more equal than others.”

Kazabu also urged Zambians to continue mounting pressure on the government to reintroduce the windfall tax as a way of increasing revenue which could be used to develop infrastructure across the country.

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