
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Banda should account for his political banditry - Hansungule

Banda should account for his political banditry - Hansungule
By Ernest Chanda
Wed 19 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PROFESSOR Michelo Hansungule says President Rupiah Banda should account for his political banditry.

Commenting on last week’s event in Mongu where police shot dead two people from among demonstrators for the restoration of the 1964 Barotseland Agreement, the Pretoria-based law lecturer described police conduct as most uncivilised.

"Killing two innocent souls; people that are not sick terminating their lives just like that simply because you cannot argue with them is the most uncilivised conduct a government can be,” Prof Hansungule said.

“Rupiah should be made to account for these two cold-blooded murders. An apology is not enough."

He said in a civilised world, differences were discussed, and not responded to with loaded guns. Prof Hansungule said it was a shame that Zambia had degenerated into a lawless state under President Banda.

"It must be put in its proper perspective, these two cold-blooded murders Rupiah has committed in Barotseland must be seen for what they are; they reflect Rupiah Banda's personal character and those of his government," said Prof Hansungule.

"Why is there no strategy to deal peacefully with differences of opinion like over the Barotseland Agreement? Why is a gun the only strategy? Should we all get guns to advocate our different views? Rupiah, Minister of Home Affairs Mkondo Lungu, and all those involved should account for this."

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