
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Benefits of economic growth should be visible - Grillo

Benefits of economic growth should be visible - Grillo
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Wed 19 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS need to see the benefits of economic growth translated into improved social services, says a civic organisation.

NGOCC board chairperson Beatrice Grillo said although Zambia’s micro and macroeconomic prospects seem to be improving, this development was not trickling down to the grassroots.

Grillo said poverty levels still remained unacceptably high and of particular concern was the feminisation of poverty, especially in rural areas.

“We need to see the benefits of this growth translated into three square meals for each family, access to good health facilities (available medicines in the hospitals),” she said.

Grillo said it was also important for politicians to demonstrate tolerance for each other’s views not just among various political parties but also within political party structures. She said intolerance was the root cause of violence and abusive language among politicians.

She appealed to all politicians to campaign on economic and developmental issues.

“We appeal for free, peaceful and fair elections. We should ensure that in all our plans we take into consideration the best interest of women, girls, men and boys. The whole world will be keenly watching all developments as Zambia goes to the polls in 2011,” she said.

Grillo appealed to all political parties to ensure that more women were adopted to stand as members of parliament and councillors during the 2011 tripartite elections.

“As a women’s movement, we shall help in campaigning for these women to win. We look forward to more women in council chambers and National Assembly come 2011,” said Grillo.

And Grillo said the government had failed to broaden the tax base but continued to rely heavily on taxing the already weak formal sector workers through Pay As You Earn.

She also expressed concern that though Zambia recorded a bumper harvest, FRA did not have infrastructure for safe storage of the maize.

Grillo said there was need for more funds to be pumped into the safe storage of the harvest and encourage farmers to diversify to other cash crops such as rice, cassava, millet among others to avoid overdependence on maize.

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