Sunday, January 23, 2011

MMD has robbed youths of role models - Milupi

MMD has robbed youths of role models - Milupi
By Brina Manenga
Sun 23 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE MMD government has robbed the youths of political role models, says Charles Milupi. Milupi, who is Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) president, said the MMD government’s failure to fight corruption and violence had set an appalling example for the youths in the country.

“There is totally no role model in the MMD government, none whatsoever! There is so much tolerance to violence and their weak stance on fighting corruption is something that is worrying and has a negative effect on our future leaders,” Milupi said.

“No one can look up to the MMD government and say ‘I want my government to be run like that’ not even our old citizens because this government is corrupt. There is nothing to admire about this government.”

Milupi said the youths especially those in Western Province were frustrated with the MMD government for the killing of a fellow youth.

“Youths in Western Province are traumatized with the killing and injuries of people. The bloodshed they have seen is something that they will never forget. The MMD should forget getting a vote from these youths because they have decampaigned themselves,” he said.

“No government should resort to firing live bullets at its people when there is a misunderstanding.”

Milupi said youths in the country had suffered enough injustices under the MMD government citing abject poverty and lack of employment.

“Government says youths are leaders of tomorrow but there is nothing being done for them to be empowered. We see youths moving up and down looking for something to do but there is nothing. This is because the MMD government has not put the interest of the youths as a priority. The next government should ensure that youths are empowered because they have suffered enough,” said Milupi.

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